Thanks Jennifer, I think I will accept the nomination and happily participate with you.

The rules are very simple.
- Post 11 Random facts about yourself.
- Answer 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
- Nominate bloggers with less than 200 followers to do the same.
- Advise those bloggers you nominated that you chose them.
My Random Facts.
- I believe that life is what you make it.
- I love entertaining
- Scuba diving keeps me sane
- There is nothing better than curling up with a good book
- I have never kept a secret from my husband
- I start humming the minute I start cooking. I don't realize it until I catch myself.
- I start cooking the minute I feel stressed.
- I cry when sad songs come on the radio as I'm driving.
- I love animals, especially dogs.
- I don't think you can ever have too many kids running around the house.
- I have unfinished craft projects stuck in nearly every closet of my house.
My Answers to Jennifer's Questions
- My favorite Holiday is Easter. It is the day my Lord and Savior proved that he was the Living God and saved all who wish to be saved.
- My favorite author....this is a tough one, there are sooooo many....I would have to say Dean Koontz or maybe, John Grisham or maybe, CS Lewis or maybe, Janet Evanovich....It depends on what I feel like reading I guess.
- If I could have dinner with a famous person it would be Pope Francis, he amazes me with his openness to change and the ideas he is willing to share. I would love to be able to discuss our faith and how it has transformed into what it is today.
- I actually started blogging because so many of my fb friends would remark that I should blog my recipes and my stories about Mom. I was my Mom's main caregiver so I had a lot of time sitting in the living room with her while she watched game shows so I decided to give it a shot.
- My favorite quote is "Let it Go". It covers just about every situation.
- My guilty pleasure is computer games....I am addicted.
- My greatest pet peeve are people who are narrow minded and refuse to see outside of their own little box.
- Top on my bucket list is a Dive Trip to Wakatobi.
- In 5 yrs I see myself traveling quite often as my husband will (hopefully) be retired by then.
- The one food staple always in my kitchen is Olive Oil.
- The wildest thing I have ever done is deciding to have and raise a child at 15 years old. It was also the best thing I have ever done.
My Questions for You
- What is your favorite cocktail?
- Who is the most famous person you ever met in person?
- What is your biggest accomplishment thus far in your life?
- Do you prefer a large party or a small intimate party?
- What is your favorite food?
- What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten?
- What is the last book you read?
- What is your biggest fear?
- If you could have any job in the world what would it be?
- Who was the last person you hugged?
- Name one thing about yourself that you absolutely love.
My Nominees
- Paula of Smidgens, Snippets and Bits
- Lisa of My Sweet Peanut
- Rebekah of Making Miracles
- You....won't you please join us?
Aww thanks for the nomination Wendy!! I LOVE your random facts - I could copy and paste most of them. :D (especially about the dogs and kids running around!)
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome Rebekah. You live such an interesting life you were an easy pick.
DeleteThank you Wendy. I posted mine today!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have an award without sharing it with you Paula.
Delete Mine is up. :)