Thursday, February 29, 2024

LA LA Land; The Roundup #MoviesandMunchies

I hosted our Movies and Munchies Group for February and chose the Movie LA LA Land based on a review by Woman's Day Magazine listing it as one of the top Valentine's Day Movies.

LA LA Land

I had never seen the film before and wasn't sure what to expect.  It appears that most had not watched it and the reviews were varied.  

Camilla of Culinary Cam was the first to post her review.  She was very underwhelmed saying...
La La Land is a throwback to the musicals of old. Think Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. Think starry nights, street lamps, and people who are destined to be together dancing on air. Literally. None of that is my cup of tea.
Cam did share a great recipe with us though inspired by...
the exchange Sebastian and Mia have when talking about his dream jazz club. He tells her it's going to be called 'Chicken on a Stick.'

Cam decided to make Frango à Passarinho (Little Birdie Chicken).  I'm sorry Cam didn't enjoy the movie but I'm happy it inspired her to share this fantastic recipe.  I can't wait to try it.

Next up was Debra of Eliot's Eats who started the film not expecting to like it and ended up loving it. 

I started watching it and during the opening number I had already decided that I would multitask through the rest of the film. Then the story grabbed me. It seemed to me that as the relationship between Seb and Mia grows and then struggles, the music actually took a back seat to the acting. I was hooked. I ended up loving this film.

Debra did have a hard time not seeing Ryan Gosling as Ken.  I haven't watched the Barbie movie so that wasn't a problem here LOL.  

Sunshine Salad

I decided to make something citrusy and focus on “Another Day in the Sun.”
Debra shared a recipe for this Sunshine Salad inspired by the film's opening scene.  A decision that was reconfirmed when she received her bi-monthly farm bag.  So colorful.....just like the film.

I ended up enjoying the film which was a great flashback to my childhood, and that was where I got my inspiration to share Hudson's Maurice Salad.

Maurice Salad

Just the three of us this month.  Hopefully, we will have more participation in next month's choice, Queen Bees, streaming on Netflix and Prime Video.  Please feel free to join in the fun.  You need not be a food blogger but you must make a recipe inspired by the film that you share on Instagram.  We would love to have more participation.  If interested leave a message in the comments below with your email address and I will send an invitation to our Facebook page


  1. Thanks for hosting. We might be small in numbers but we make up for it in quality food posts! :)


I enjoy getting comments and feedback from my audience. Please let me know what you think, keeping in mind that we are all entitled to our own beliefs and opinions. I am happy to hear yours as long as they are stated nicely.