Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sharing Shortcake, Our Homecoming Debacle, Making My Menu #SundayFunday

Leftover Lemon Loaf topped with macerated mixed berries and topped with whipped cream makes for a unique and delicious shortcake that is ready in a flash.

Leftover Lemon Loaf Shortcake

The Sunday Funday Bloggers are sharing Shortcake Recipes today......

As you read this post I am just arriving home from my vacation in Cabo San Lucas.  We left Cabo at 4:30 pm and flew into LA where we had a 5 hour layover before heading into Detroit and landing at 6:15 AM....then we had a 2 hour drive home.  Or so I thought.....

As you read this I am sitting at Frank's cousin's home in Manhattan Beach because our flight home last night was canceled.  We aren't alone, we stood in line for 2 hours with many others whose flights were also canceled.  It seems that the Pilots had a flying flu......

We now fly out at midnight tonight, have a layover in Minneapolis and then finally will arrive home at 8 AM tomorrow morning.  It could be worse.  I'm looking at this as a surprise opportunity to spend some time with family and to enjoy another morning walk on the beach.

Lemon Loaf and Berries

I have a confession to make.  I had intended on creating a new shortcake recipe when Sue of Palatable Pastime chose the theme for today's event a while back.  However, life, as it often does, got in the way.

On the Saturday prior to our vacation, Frank hosted a CPL class and I made a Lemon Loaf Cake to serve as part of the breakfast buffet I provide to the students.  The following day we had our neighbors over for a pot luck get together and I had planned to make the shortcake for this event for that gathering.  

When I got up Sunday morning that lemon loaf minus 2 or 3 slices was wrapped and sitting on my counter.  I couldn't see making another cake, especially as we were leaving in a couple of days.

So I macerated some of the berries that were leftover from the breakfast buffet and bought some whipped cream.  It was a delicious and easy dessert and a great way to use up the leftovers before our trip.

This was the first Mother's Day in many years that I got to spend with our son, Chuck.  He arranged for a sunset cruise to celebrate the occasion.  It was lovely.

Sunset in Cabo

When I finally get home....whenever that may be...I need to get to the grocers and restock my larder so we can eat this week.  In order to make my life easier I made my menu as I was writing this post so I have my grocery list prepared and ready to go.

Tonight we will take Kay and Chuck out for dinner to thank them for their kind and immediate hospitality. 

The rest of the week is going to be spent getting back into the groove.  Friday is going to be a busy day as I am preparing dinner for our Parish and then Frank and I are meeting a friend for dinner as others serve up the 3rd Friday Dinner.

Before I share my Weekly Menu and Recipe with you, let's take a look at the other shortcake recipes being shared today.......

Enjoy these recipes....I'm looking forward to reading all about them.

Appreciation Dinner for Kay and Chuck
Red Wine Burgers
Grilled Sweet Potato Planks

Taco Tuesday
Taco Salad

Blackberry Rotisserie Chicken
Potato Salad

Chicken Voul a Vent

Out for dinner 

Desserts, Leftovers, Fruit, Shortcake, Quick, Easy
Desserts, Cake
Yield: 6 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
Leftover Lemon Loaf Shortcake

Leftover Lemon Loaf Shortcake

Macerated Berries placed over leftover cake and topped with whipped cream provides for a 2nd wonderful dessert with very little effort.
Prep time: 10 MinInactive time: 1 HourTotal time: 1 H & 10 M


  • 6 slices leftover loaf cake of choice, I used lemon loaf
  • 2 cups assorted berries, cut into uniform pieces
  • 2 T. sugar
  • whipped cream


  1. Place the berries into a large bowl and sprinkle with the sugar. Toss to coat and leave at room temperature for at least an hour and up to 3 hours until the juices extract to form a light syrup.
  2. Place the cake slices onto dessert plates and top each with 1/3 cup of the fruit, drizzling any syrup left in the bowl over the slices. Top with a dollop of whipped cream and serve.
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. What a "fun" adventure! At least you got to go to the beach and see family! Great way to serve that lemon cake!

    1. Thanks Karen, we did have a good visit that would not otherwise have happened until the family reunion in August.

  2. Wendy, what a journey. After Covid it seems everything has gone haywire.Airports are not functioning well delays, short staff, etc. What a wonderful idea to use up lemon loaf to make this decadent dessert.

    1. Thanks Mayuri, there continued to be obstacles along the way but we are home now safe and sound.

  3. What a wonderful and delicious shortcake Wendy! Like the use of leftover cake. Glad that you celebrated Mother's day with your son.


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