Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Oatmeal Crusted Chicken Strips #FoodieExtravaganza

Tender Strips of Chicken, dredged in seasoned flour, egg, and oatmeal then air fried to a crispy, crunchy goodness.  Dinner is on the table in less than 20 minutes.

Join me as I host Foodie Extravaganza today........

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Foodie Extravaganza is a monthly celebration of Food Holidays.  Members of our group take turns researching, choosing and hosting different food holidays each month.  We all share recipes that feature the food on the first Wednesday every month. This month it was my turn to host.

January has many food holidays.  Candy, eggs, tea, meat, soup are included in the foods we celebrate this month.  January is also National Oatmeal Month. I decided to go with this as many of us are trying to eat a little healthier at this time of year after all the indulging we did over the holidays.

I was pretty excited when Santa brought me a Breville Smart Oven.  It does everything.  It bakes, it roasts, it is a dehydrator, an air fryer, a proofer, a toaster, a broiler and a pizza oven.  

I was anxious to try it out so I decided to use the oatmeal to coat chicken strips and use the air fryer function.  They turned out great.

I made them in the traditional dredging method.  First in seasoned flour, then in egg and lastly in oatmeal that was tossed with olive oil.

Quite a few strips fit onto the basket that came with the oven.  You can order additional baskets that can be used at the same time in the oven.  I used 3 boneless chicken breast halves for the strips and needed to do them in two batches as I don't have a second basket yet.  Each batch only takes 8 minutes so it's not a very large problem.

Making these chicken strips with heart healthy oatmeal and olive oil and then using the air fryer instead of deep frying them make this a perfect choice for starting off the New Year.

Before I share my recipe let's see what the others have made featuring Oatmeal today.......

#oatmeal, #chicken, #chickenstrips, #airfrying, #healthy,
Chicken, Healthy, Air Fryer, Oatmeal, Appetizer, Entree
Yield: 4-6 servingsPin it

Oatmeal Crusted Chicken Strips (Air Fryer Recipe)

Tender Strips of Chicken, dredged in seasoned flour, egg, and oatmeal then air fried to a crispy, crunchy goodness. Dinner is on the table in less than 20 minutes.
prep time: 10 minscook time: 8 minstotal time: 18 mins


3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into strips
1 c. flour
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 t. thyme
1/2 t. oregano
2 eggs
2 T. water
2 c. oatmeal ( I used old fashioned oats)
1 T. olive oil


Combine the flour, salt, pepper, thyme and oregano in a shallow bowl.

Whisk the egg with the water in a second shallow bowl.

Place the oatmeal into a food processor and pulse until you have fine crumbs.  Place in a third shallow bowl and knead in the olive oil until evenly distributed.

Dredge each chicken strip first in the flour, then in the egg and finally in the oatmeal until completely coated.  Place onto the air fry basket of your smart oven in a single layer allowing space between pieces.

Turn the oven to the air fry setting and set the timer for 8 minutes.  When the oven signals that it is preheated place the tray of chicken inside and cook for the allotted time.  

Serve with your favorite dipping sauce.

Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. This sounds delicious. Santa was very good to you! I love my Breville, but now that they added air fry and dehydrating, I'm lusting after a new one. Never satisfied.

    1. I'm very excited about it. I used it twice before I left on vacation. Once for this meal and next just as a regular oven and was pleased with both results. Happy New Year Karen.

  2. Love this idea! So much better for you than fast food or frying them.

  3. It was a great present and I love it but until you get one these can be made in the oven as well.

  4. Certainly a healthier way to eat chicken, I love both oatmeal and chicken so - winner-winner!

  5. Lucky Wendy received such a wonderful gift from Santa. These chicken strips look so scrumptious.

    1. I am lucky. Today I am making my bread for Bread Bakers. This oven has a proofing selection.


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