Friday, April 6, 2018

Where is Spring?? I'm going to serve it each day on my Weekly Menu

I think one of the problems is that Easter was so early this year.  I always tend to think of Easter as the beginning of Spring.  We actually have snow on the ground this morning.

We are in the middle of a remodel, where outside walls are coming down and new are being installed.  It is mighty cold in that room.  Luckily there is a door sealing it from the rest of the house that can stay intact until the walls are installed.

In the meantime, everything that was in that room (which included my pantry) is now scattered throughout the rest of the house.  Add to that, the fact that we are also rearranging sleeping quarters in two of our bedrooms and it makes for a confusing, busy household.

But we still gotta I am composing my Weekly Menu to share with you today.

Tomorrow we have a funeral service to attend.  A friend of ours lost her mother who had been battling cancer.  It was discovered in the form of an inoperable brain tumor.  After the funeral we need to take two of the mutts in for their rabies shots.

Sunday I will be attending the fundraiser that was previously planned to help pay medical expenses for my friend's mom.  Even though she is gone, they will continue with the fundraiser because the bills keep coming in.  It's going to be a sad weekend, I think.

Monday we get our Little Miss.  She has been signed up for swimming lessons so we will go right from her house to the pool on Mondays for the next few weeks.  After swim lessons we are meeting our daughter, Nicole and her husband, Pierre, for lunch.

Tuesday we will take a ride into the city to renew the dog's licenses and then in the evening we will be making our weekly visit to Aunt Irene after dropping the Angel Face off at home.

Thursday is choir and Friday we will be attending a Mexican Fiesta that our church is hosting for all of the parishioners who volunteer their time and services all year long.

Please stop by each day and see what's new on the Farm.  Monday I am celebrating National Cupcake Day with Breakfast....yep, a breakfast cupcake that is sure to be a hit at your next brunch.  Tuesday we are traveling the world with stops in Italy and Thailand.  Thursday I'm sharing a quick and delicious Asparagus Soup recipe.

Here is the Weekly Menu.  Any special plans for you this week?  Have you finished all those Easter Leftovers?

Pasta Primavera

Honey Lemon Grilled Chicken
Spring Risotto

Melody Monday
Japanese Steak Rolls
Garlic Lime Rice

Carry out at Aunt Irene's

Beef Sliders
French Fries

Chicken Shawarma
Marinated Vegetables

Mexican Fiesta at Church

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