Monday, July 2, 2018

My Leap of Faith and The Weekly Menu

So each year I try to learn or try something new. I have learned to quilt and paint. I have ran in a 5k. I have kickboxed, taken tae kwon do, practiced yoga, and shook my booty in Zumba classes. I have gone up in a hot air balloon, gone ziplining, parasailing, and scuba diving.   I have started a blog, planted some trees, raised chickens and turkeys and pigs. I learned to can, traveled to a lot of new places, tried a lot of new foods and recipes and  explored new wines and new wine regions.  I have hiked woods, and trails and mountains.  I have gone rock climbing, rappelling and white water rafting.  I have gone sport fishing, hunting and tubing.  I have taken in exchange students and gotten licensed for foster care.  I have started and ran a food pantry.  I have scrapbooked and made my own greeting cards.  I have taken guitar lessons, roller skating lessons and dance lessons.  The guitar and roller skating lessons were a fail but I can still say I did it.

And this year to celebrate turning the big 60.....I did this...…

Sky diving was an amazing experience and I am so glad that I did it.  It is not something I would want to do constantly, like scuba diving, but I am definitely glad that I got to experience it and wouldn't hesitate to do it again should the opportunity arrive but first I need to continue on this journey I call life with some of the other things I haven't yet been able to do.

I still have tons of places to go, things to learn and sights to see before my bucket list is empty.  What's next on your bucket list?

I was giddy all weekend long but now I have calmed down and am ready to share our Weekly Menu.

Saturday night we went to 4 pm Mass and then John and Kirsten brought steaks over to put on the grill and we hung out in the pool.  Kirsten's mom joined us and then invited us to her house on the river to watch the fireworks.

Sunday we drove out to the residential home in which the eldest of the girls we are hoping to adopt is living.  We spent the day with her and had a session with her therapist.  Hopefully she will be moving in with us very soon now.

Monday, I am going over to my friend, Kim's, house.  She is home for all the Mondays of July and will be giving yoga lessons.

We are back to having the Angel Face on Tuesdays now which means we will be doing our weekly visit with Aunt Irene on Wednesdays when we take her home. But since this week Wednesday is 4th of July we will be going on Thursday.

We also get to have our Little Miss on Friday this week because Mama has a wedding to attend. I'm hoping we can take her to see Incredibles 2 in the afternoon.  Kim and Kurt are joining us for dinner Friday night.

So, that's our week in a nutshell.  I am sharing a recipe for Baked Beans that I made using the Instant Pot Saturday night.  This recipe was inspired by this one over at Little House Big Alaska. You will find it following the Weekly Menu.

Saturday-John, Kirsten and Caroline
Grilled Steaks
Garlic Potato Package
Instant Pot Baked Beans
Grilled Corn on the Cob
Kiwi Pavlova

Out for dinner with M the eldest

Meatless Monday
Marinated Peppers with Olives and Cheese
Grilled Cheesy Garlic Bread
Farm Market Vegetable Soup in a Crockpot

Toddler Tuesday
Hot Dogs
Fresh Veggies and Dip

Wednesday-4th of July
Peach Gazpacho Shooters
Grilled Salmon Burgers
Grilled Hamburgers
Pickled Eggs
Watermelon Salad
Jam Ice Cream
Instant Pot Cheesecake

Carry out at Aunt Irene's

Friday-Kim and Kurt for dinner
Pesto Bruschetta with Grape Tomatoes and Mozzarella
Chicken and Vegetable Packets
Pina Colada Bundt Cake


  1. Well I can see how that would put a damper on your enthusiasm.

  2. Oh WOW! You are far braver than me. I don't even like to fly.

  3. We could use a pair like you here at Rappel Maui, what with your adventurous spirit and all. And, of course, anyone with a bunch of dogs is OK in my book. You have good stories. Happy farming, and if you ever want to start working again (in the tropics) look me up!

    1. Well isn't that tempting. I might like living in paradise for a while but work? I'm enjoying retirement way too much.


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