Wednesday, June 5, 2024

L is for Lemonade and a Book Review

This is my 9-year-old granddaughter's recipe for Lemonade that is the perfect amount of sweet and tart.


L is for Lemonade......

\We are working our way through the alphabet this year, one letter every other Wednesday, making a recipe that either starts with the letter or contains a main ingredient that begins with the letter.

This week's letter is L.  Let's see what everyone is sharing......

Girl drinking Lemonade

My Angel Face has been making homemade lemonade during the summers since she was about 6.  She always lets me know when she has a stand out front and I drive 40 minutes to get a glass and pay her an exorbitant amount of money for the privilege.  

And I'm not the only one, her Aunt Amy makes the trek too and she is usually much more generous than I.  Of course, all her neighbors come out and are very generous too.  A lot of it is in the marketing, of course, but the lemonade is the best I have ever enjoyed.

A Rule Against Murder

I was reading the 4th book of the Gamache series by Louise Penny and in the very beginning of the book, Gamache and his wife, return to the Inn where they spent their honeymoon.  This is an annual event for them, returning each year on their anniversary.

Gamache is enjoying a glass of lemonade that he anticipates for an entire year.  This made me think of the Angel Face and her lemonade so the next time she came over I asked her to make it for me.

hand washing

"Ok, the first thing, this is the most important, you have to wash your hands really good".

lemons being squeezed

"Then you squeeze in the lemons, probably 4 or 5 of them"

Girl makiing lemonade

"Next you add in the sugar. Start with a little, you can always add more.  Then add the water and taste.  If it is not sweet enough you can add more sugar.  If it is not tart enough you can add more lemon.  You just want to make sure it is the perfect amount of sweet and sour."

Girl with Lemonade

"When it is perfect, then you mix it some more to make sure all the sugar is dissolved and then you can add the ice.  It is ready to drink now."

So I am much luckier than Gamache as I got to enjoy the best lemonade ever without having to travel from home or get stuck solving a murder.  

I enjoyed this 4th book of the series that, while not set in Three Pines, it did include some of the characters that I have come to know and love.   

Gamache is surprised when his friends Peter and Clara arrive at the Inn for Peter's annual family reunion.  When Peter's sister is killed, Gamache finds himself in a position of considering his friend a suspect in the murder.

I find that I am enjoying this series more with each book that I read.  If you like murder mysteries you might want to give them a try.

Drinks, Lemons, Lemonade
Yield: 1 pitcher
Author: Wendy Klik
Homemade Lemonade

Homemade Lemonade

This is my 9-year-old granddaughter's recipe for Lemonade that is the perfect amount of sweet and tart.
Prep time: 10 MinTotal time: 10 Min


  • 4-5 lemons
  • 1/3-2/3 c. sugar
  • 5 c. cold water
  • Ice


  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemons into a large pitcher. Stir in 1/3 c. sugar until dissolved.
  2. Add the water to the lemon mixture and taste. Add more sugar/lemon juice as needed for your taste, stirring well to dissolve any sugar granules.
  3. Fill the pitcher with ice and stir again.


Recipe courtesy of Melody.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)

1.67 g

Sat. Fat (grams)

0.19 g

Carbs (grams)

111.7 g

Fiber (grams)

13.61 g

Net carbs

98.09 g

Sugar (grams)

78.68 g

Protein (grams)

5.35 g

Sodium (milligrams)

72.34 mg

Cholesterol (grams)

0 mg
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. Lemonade is a favorite summer drink here along with iced tea! All natural and delicious!

  2. I love homemade lemonade and your granddaughter's recipes is perfect. Next foodblogger in the making!

  3. I love that series and I love your sweet granddaughter's smile! Of course you drive 40 miles for a glass of her lemonade. Who wouldn't?!

    1. She is very special and she knows it but the sweetest girl ever. She said to me once "I don't think there is another person in the world as lucky as me. I have so much love".

  4. Nothing beats homemade lemonade! Granddaughter's work and love makes it even sweeter.

  5. You can always count on grandma to go that extra mile! What great memories you are making!

    1. Yes, she is very special. When I was in the hospital she only missed coming to see me one day because the EU World Soccer was playing and Daddy wanted to watch France. She was very upset that she couldn't be with me that day.

  6. Lucky you Wendy, to have a refreshing lemonade drink from the tiny hands of your granddaughter. Envy you!!

  7. You just can't beat homemade lemonade and I'm definitely checking that book series out!

  8. I remember when my boys used to have lemonade stands. I love Miss M's recipe. Looks delicious.

  9. Wow, she's really growing up fast! I love that you shared her recipe and the story behind it. Really makes me crave a glass of cold lemonade. Although, I'll freely admit that I usually add a touch of vodka to mine!!!

    1. Yes, as do I but usually after she has left or gone to bed LOL....Cheers Colleen.

  10. You're so lucky Wendy, can't wait for my granddaughters to make something for me. This American tradition of kids making lemonade during summer and selling it fascinates me.


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