Monday, June 11, 2018

Taco Pockets #BakingBloggers

Traditional taco seasoned ground beef, mixed with salsa and topped with cheese is wrapped in a puff pastry pocket and baked to a golden, crispy brown.  This is the perfect Mexican Monday or Taco Tuesday treat...…

Welcome to this month's edition of Baking Bloggers.  Baking Bloggers is a fun group started by my friend, Sue of Palatable Pastime, in which bloggers are given a theme and charged with baking a recipe within the theme.

That is really the only rule....your recipe must include being baked.  This month you also had to include puffed pastry in your recipe.  As in baked with puff pastry not as in make puff pastry although you were welcome to do that as well, but then you had to bake something with it.

I have never made my own puffed pastry.  I have made laminated dough for croissants.  And, thanks to Sue, I have made Pate a Choux.  But I haven't taken a stab at puffed pastry yet.

These are a perfect Mexican Monday meal.  I had my little Angel Face and she loves tacos so I thought these would be a big hit with her.  I was right and she ate an entire pocket herself.  The were even a bigger hit with Grampy.  He ate one and a half.  He would have eaten two, but halfway through the Little Miss told him she wanted this in her lunchbox for the next day, so he accommodated her.

Using store bought puffed pastry made these relatively quick to make.  Not as quick as tacos using store bought corn shells but worth the extra few minutes, in my opinion.  I preferred these over regular tacos.

I served an avocado corn salad on the side.  I will be sharing that recipe later in the month.  I only made 4 of these.  Mostly because I only had a half pound of burger left in the refrigerator from the pound I had taken out of the freezer for burgers on the grill over the weekend.

Next time I will double the recipe.  I'm sure that what doesn't get eaten for dinner would be enjoyed for lunch the following day.  You could probably freeze these with great results as well, but I haven't tried that yet.  I will because Frank has requested that this recipe be a keeper.

Please stop by and see what the others baked up using puffed pastry this month.  You will find links to their posts following my recipe adapted from Pepperidge Farm.

#tacos, #Mexican, #fusion, #sandwiches, #quick, #easy, #kidfriendly, #puffedpastry, #hamburger,
Dinner, Lunch, Snack, Sandwiches
Mexican, American, Fusion
Yield: 4 sandwichesPin it

Homemade Taco Hot Pockets

Traditional taco seasoned ground beef, mixed with salsa and topped with cheese is wrapped in a puff pastry pocket and baked to a golden, crispy brown. This is the perfect Mexican Monday or Taco Tuesday treat
prep time: 15 minscook time: 20 minstotal time: 35 mins


1/2 lb. ground beef
2 T. taco seasoning
scant 1/2 c. water
1/2 c. salsa of choice
1 sheet frozen puff pastry, thawed
1 egg
1 T. water
2 oz. shredded Colby Jack Cheese


Cook the beef in a skillet over med high heat until browned and crumbly.  Add the taco seasoning and water and cook for another few minutes until absorbed by meat.  Remove from heat and stir in the salsa.  Set aside.

Roll the puffed pastry sheet into a 14" square.  Divide this square into four, 7", squares.

Divided the taco mixture between the four squares, approximately 1/3  cup mixture per square, placed on one half of the pastry.

Divide the cheese between each bundle.  Fold the pastry over the filling and crimp the edges with a fork.  Place onto a baking sheet that has been lined with a silicon mat or parchment paper.

Beat the egg with the 1 Tablespoon of water.  Brush the egg mixture over the pockets .  

Bake in a preheated 400* oven for 20 minutes, until puffed and golden brown.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Baking Bloggers

Baked with Puff Pastry

Baking Bloggers is a friendly group of food bloggers who vote on a shared theme and then post about it once per month. If you are a food blogger interesting in joining in, inquire at our Baking Bloggers FaceBook Group. We'd be honored if you would join us in our baking adventures.


  1. That's a great lunch! I haven't tried puff pastry either, it's just so easy to get the frozen sheets.

  2. Such a fantastic idea! Now my mind is racing with different flavor combos for making these!

  3. My comment just disappeared...but I will say it again: these are such a great idea and I would definitely be doubling them to have on hand for lunch!

  4. This sounds really good. Any food a kid will eat is usually a hit with me!!

  5. Yum! Love this idea! It sounds perfect paired with the avocado corn salad.


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