Monday, May 7, 2018

An Audible Book Review and the Weekly Menu (a couple of days late)

I just finished listening to another audible book. This novel, Mean Streak by Sandra Brown, was worthwhile to listen to and often continued on from my car into the house where I would sit listening until there was a break in the action.

Image result for mean streak sandra brown pdf
image by Bing

This was no easy feat because there is a lot of action.  It grabbed and held my interest and had enough twists and turns to keep you guessing.  If you like Sandra Brown and her genre then this is a good choice.

I hope that your weekend was enjoyable.  We had a very nice weekend.  Friday night was spent at the pool making sure all of our gear is good to go.  We leave for Grenada on the 19th.  I am beyond excited.

Saturday we went to a local restaurant for a wine tasting event in the afternoon.  Then we sang a 4 pm Mass.  The little one's were making their First Holy Communion. It was very sweet.  Right after Mass we went to the Dive Shop for our pre trip meeting and then we all went out as a group for dinner.

Yesterday we had a quiet day.  Took care of some chores and just relaxed a bit.  This week will be spent working on the remodel.  It is really coming along.  

I will be serving up lunches as well as dinners again this week.  You will see this reflected in our Weekly Menu.

Out for Dinner

Grilled Chicken Breast (cook extra for Calzones)
Grilled Baby Potatoes
Grilled Asparagus

Lunch-Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Spring Tortellini

Lunch-Leftover Tamale Skillet
Carryout at Aunt Irene's

Pork and Green Chile Stew

Lunch-Leftover Pork and Green Chile Stew
Steak Sandwich

Lunch-Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwiches
Shrimp and Pasta


  1. We visited Grenada once and had a very interesting experience on the beach with one of the locals. Kind of left us with a bad feel for this island. Your menu looks great!


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