Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ranch BBQ Beef Sandwiches #CrazyIngredientChallenge

I would like to start this post off by thanking our leader,  Kelly of Passion Kneaded, for allowing me to participate today even though I completely screwed up the theme.

The theme for this month is Buttermilk and Barbecue.  That is what I have marked in my calendar.  Somewhere between reading it on my calendar and planning my recipe, my brain changed Buttermilk to Ranch.  I have no idea how that happened.  Probably because when I make Ranch Dressing I use Buttermilk for it.

So, anyhooooooo, we had Pot Roast for dinner on Saturday.  Often when making my menu, I will plan another meal around the leftovers.  In this case, knowing thinking that the ingredients were Ranch and Barbecue, I decided that Monday night dinner would be BBQ Beef Sandwiches and Sweet Potato Fries. This would use up the leftover roast beef AND take care of the CIC theme, or at least what I thought was the theme.

Crazy Ingredient Challenge is a fun little group that gets together each month and creates recipes that include the same 2 ingredients.  It is fun to see what everyone makes.  Of course, it helps if everyone uses the same 2 ingredients instead of changing one of them as I did this month.

Oh well, it will still be fun to see what the others made and Kelly kindly invited me to come to the party anyway.  I'm brining along these Ranch BBQ Beef Sandwiches, they are good enough that perhaps no one will notice that I screwed up again LOL.

Ranch BBQ Beef Sandwiches

2 c. cooked and shredded roast beef (I used leftover Pot Roast)
1 c. ketchup
1/4 c. brown sugar
2 T. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 t. hot sauce
1/2 t. lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 (1 oz) pkg. Ranch Dip Seasoning Mix
4 hamburger buns

Whisk together the ketchup, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, lemon juice, garlic and Ranch seasoning in a large sauce pan.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat and stir in the roast beef.  Stir to combine and continue to cook over med low heat until heated through.  Divide between hamburger buns and serve.  Print Recipe

Now Let's Go See What Was Made With The Real Ingredients!!


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