Saturday, July 13, 2024

3 Book Reviews, 1 Dinner and The Weekly Menu

I just completed the next three books in the Gamache Series by Louise Penney.  The first review is the sixth book in the series, Bury your Dead.

Bury Your Dead

I told you in the last review of this series how much I enjoyed this novel of the series.  It left me on the edge of my seat as Gamache and his team suffered horrendous losses and injuries.  We watch as Gamache and his team deal with the fallout, guilt, and PTSD that result from being involved in combat.

I was so caught up in this storyline that I didn't pay attention to what foods were served and mentioned.  I don't want to give any spoilers but this series has my full attention now and you will learn more in my next reviews.

The second review I am sharing is The Hangman, a short story written between books 6 and 7.  In the list of Gamache novels it is listed as 6.5

The Hangman

This little novelette was good but it was as if the author had a great idea for a storyline but couldn't think of how to add it to the ongoing storyline of Three Pines.  There were a few familiar characters in the novel but not the full cast.  

It was a short, easy read.  I completed it in a couple of hours.  Gamache did, of course, make it into the cafe a couple of times.  Once he enjoyed pastries and cafe au lait and once he enjoyed steak and fries.

You won't be sorry you read this book but it is not necessary to read it as part of the Three Pines series.

A Trick of Light

Let's talk about Book 7, A Trick of the Light.  Each book in this series gets better and better.  You don't want to put them down and you can't wait to pick up the next.  

In this book, Clara enjoys the spotlight as her art is displayed in a one-artist show at the Musee de Quebec.  Clara and Peter host a party at their home afterwards for many of the people who attended.
The following day a body is discovered in Clara's garden.  This person, who appears to be murdered, had not been seen at the preview nor at the house party but she was once a dear friend of Clara's when they were young artists just starting out.

As in all of the Three Pines books there are several storylines.  We have the mystery of the murder and the ongoing stories of the characters.  This novel ends with several open ends and I am anxious to learn how they are resolved.  

As in all the novels, there is a ton of delicious food references but I decided to share a simple pasta dish based on a dinner Reine Marie made for her family before the show at the Museum.  Reine Marie made pasta with pinenuts, asparagus and feta cheese.  I didn't have any asparagus but I did have some tomatoes to add to my pasta with the pinenuts and feta.

Pasta with Pinenuts and Feta

I am saving this recipe to share during Farmer's Market Week, August 5-9.  Make sure you come back for some great, fresh market ideas.

I am linking up with Foodies Read.  Stop by and see what the other Foodies are reading this month.

I am leaving in a bit to meet Amy, Jessica, Marissa, and the Angel Face at the MudGirl Run,  It is a fun event for charity.  I ended up with blisters on the balls of my feet from the last walk that Amy and I took on Thursday.  I can walk now but we will see how I do jogging LOL.  I will also pick and choose my obstacles depending on how my body is feeling.  Mostly, I am just going to spend time and make memories with my girls.  Hopefully Frank will feed me when I get home.

We are taking Marissa's guy Aiden out for his birthday dinner on Sunday night.  On Monday my brother Larry, his wife Mary and Quinn arrive from California.  They haven't been back to Michigan since pre-COVID so we are pretty excited. 

On Tuesday, my sister and bil will be coming for lunch to spend time with them.  I am watching Little Miss M Tuesday afternoon so she and Mama will join us for dinner.

Wednesday evening we are going over to our friends the Luths for dinner.  Thursday, Frank has a CPL refresher for our friend Chris, his wife will be coming by after the class to share dinner with us.  Friday I have invited my brother Dick and his wife Jackie to join us for dinner.

I am sharing our Menu for the days we are eating at home.  All subject to change because when Larry and Mary are home you never know who will be around at dinnertime.  

Frank is in charge of dinner

Out for dinner to celebrate Aiden's birthday

Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Cherry Salsa (Moved from Last Week)
Roasted Potatoes
Summer Squash

3 Bean Salad
BBQ Ribs
Potato Salad
Baked Beans

Dinner at the Luths

Thursday-CPL Class
Blueberry Muffin Skillet Cake
Coffee and Juice
Grilled Italian Sausage with Peppers and Onions
Leftover Potato Salad
Chips and Guac
Mexican Chopped Salad
Green Chile Enchilada Casserole

Fish Friday
Salmon Rice Bowl

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