Sunday, February 23, 2025

VORP #SundayFunday

What the heck is VORP you ask?  Well, we have all heard of GORP the synonym for Trail Mix, VORP is my version using leftover Valentine's Day Candy as one of the key ingredients.

Valentine's Trail Mix

The Sunday Funday Bloggers are sharing recipes to help you use up that Leftover Valentine's Day candy sitting in your pantry.
Sunday Funday Logo
Stacy of Food Lust People Love is hosting this month and invited us to use up (or buy on sale) leftover Valentine's Day candy.  I happened to have some leftover Valentine's Peanut M&M's.  Let's see what the others found to use in this challenge.....

Nuts and Dried Cranberries

I really cheated on this month's recipe.  In fact, it's not even a recipe at all.  When I went into the pantry to see what I had to add to my Valentine Peanut M&M's to turn them into a snack to take with me on my hikes, I spied this package of Salad Topping that contained glazed walnuts and dried cranberries.  Perfect.


I opened the package and added it to the bowl holding the M&M's.  I never did take it with me on a hike.  I left it on the kitchen counter and every time one of us would walk by it we would grab a handful.  Oh well, it's been too cold and snowy here in Michigan for a hike anyway LOL.....

So, no printable recipe to share today, just a simple suggestion to take whatever odds and ends you have, the last couple handfuls of candy, that half package of baking chips, the bottom of the bag of dried fruit, nuts, and/or seeds and combine them into a tasty, delicious and portable treat.

Have a Funday Sunday and stop by tomorrow for Muffin Monday where I share another idea for using up that leftover Valentine's Day candy.


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