
Saturday, May 31, 2014

What's Going On This Week and the Weekly Menu

Frank went flying this morning to finish up some paperwork needed on the plane.  When he got home we opened up the pool before heading to Mass.  We are invited to the Benda's for dinner this evening.

Tomorrow I hope to get some more yard work done.  My sister has volunteered to come stay with Mom in the evening but we will see how the day progresses.  It might just be a hot dog night.

Monday I need to meet with my Mom's doctor and get some paperwork completed.

Tuesday I go in for my CAT Scan in the morning so I won't be able to help with the backpack program.

Wednesday I will get into the food pantry and get some shopping done to stock the freezer and shelves.

Thursday is Mom's evaluation at the Residential home and then we have our last choir rehearsal of the season.  We break during the summer, returning to choir in September.

Friday I am going to try for the Linguine in Clam Sauce yet again!!

This is my Weekly Menu.  Please stop by each day for photos and recipes and join us at Menu Plan Monday to share your menus and ideas.

Dinner at friend's house

Grilled Hot Dogs/Polish Sausages
Potato Chips

Meatless Monday

Try it Tuesday

Beef Pot Pie

Steamed Rice



  1. Sounds like another yummy week of eating at your house!

  2. Eating and Drinking.....seems to be what I do best lately LOL>

  3. I wish I could plan like you do! Sometimes it will be 5:00 and I still won't know what is for dinner so we end up eating out.

    1. That is exactly why I do the Weekly Menu Izzy because otherwise the same thing happens here. A lot of times I might change up the menu but I have always taken the meat out of the freezer so that it has to be used during that week sometime.

  4. I love that you are making linguine with clam sauce. It's one of my "out to dinner" meals. I used to meet a friend for linguine with white clam sauce once a month, so it's become one of those nostalgia things - I must eat it at a restaurant and make a toast to my friend Michael. Feel free to toast us on Friday!

    1. I will definitely toast you and Michael with a nice crisp glass of Chardonnay.

  5. Menu planning is such a good way of feeding people in a less frantic way. What tips do you have for sticking with the plan?

    1. Hi Devon, Thanks so much for stopping by. I really do rely on my Weekly menu to help me through dinner times. I make my menu on Saturday mornings and then I shop my freezer and pantry and see what I need to get from the grocery store. I pull out all the meat from the freezer and put it in the refrigerator. Then I do my grocery shopping so that I have everything I need for the nightly meals. Once you take the meat out of the freezer, you have to use it so while I may change how I prepare the meat or move dinners around during the week you pretty much have to stick with it.


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