Sunday, March 18, 2018

Celebrating Sunday and the Weekly Menu

Happy Sunday everyone.  I hope that you have a fun, relaxing day scheduled.  Our pastor often preaches that Sundays should be the day that you "chill".  Go for a walk, take a nap, do a favorite sport or hobby but make it a day of rest.  That sounds good to me.

So that is what we are doing today.  We are meeting our brother and sister in law, Dan and Rebecca for brunch where we will toast her birthday.  This evening we have been invited to a dinner that the Benda's won where a chef from a local restaurant is going to come to the house to prepare dinner for us.  I'm so pleased that Linda included us in her small group that was invited.

Yesterday, I made a crockpot meal. We had the carpet cleaner here in the morning and then went looking for new living room furniture before Mass.  When we got home it smelled delicious in this house.

Monday is another busy day.  Frank will pick up the Angel Face.  I have a doc appointment at 9 am.  Just my yearly physical.  If you haven't made your appointment yet let this serve as your reminder. Then we have a conference with our financial advisor.  Later in the afternoon, they are coming out to measure for a new fireplace we are getting when we redo the backroom. That project begins immediately after Easter

Tuesday we will be taking carryout to Aunt Irene.  Wednesday is Food Pantry.  Thursday my Amesy Baby has taken the day off work.  Mani's, Pedi's and lunch date on the schedule followed by choir practice in the evening.  Friday the Little Miss has her dance recital so we will all go out for dinner afterwards.

On the blogging front, we are celebrating Easter recipes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Looking forward to seeing you all each day.

Weekly Menu

Pot Roast 
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans

Dinner with the Bendas

Melody Monday
Grampy's making Spaghetti

Carryout at Aunt Irene's

Lamb Pie

Pasta with Spare Ribs (moved from last week)

Out for Dinner

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