
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Countdown to 2015-My Favorite Crockpot Meals of the Year

Join in on the Countdown to 2015 to share the best recipes of 2014 from your blog! #recipes #blogfun #2015

Today, thanks to Sarah of Fantastical Sharing of Recipes, a group of us are sharing our favorite crockpot recipes of the year.  Now, if like me, you rely on your crockpot to see you through those busy day when you are running around all day and have a very short window for dinner before heading out for more obligations in the evening, you cannot have too many crockpot recipes.  They are a life saver!  Unfortunately, I find that I go back to my old favorites each time I find myself in that fix so I was very excited when Sarah chose this as one of the categories for this round up.  I am looking forward to finding some new favorites to add to the list.

So here are some of my favorites.  I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

I am going to share this collection at Small Victories Sunday as well as Simple Supper Tuesdays. You should stop by and see what others are sharing this week.


  1. I love my crockpot. I use it tons all year round!

    1. Me too Paula...I hope you find some new recipes from the group.

  2. Oooh so many of these look good - especially the corned beef and cabbage soup. I find I'm always making soups in my crockpot :)

  3. I absolutely love crockpot recipes. With four boys, a crock pot is a life saver! These all look so tasty!! Stopping by from Small Victories Sunday link up :)

    1. I'll bet it is a lifesaver Brittany. I hope you enjoy some of these recipes. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. I love, love, love my crockpot and pulled pork and french dip are some of my faves too. Hope you join Small Victories Sunday linkup again this week!


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