Friday, September 12, 2014

She is obviously not Ready

It is 10:45 on Friday night so I am going to take 5 minutes before I go to bed to join Kate Motaung of Heading Home for Five Minute Friday.  Stop by her site to find out all about this fun little writing exercise that many of us participate in each week.

This week's prompt is Ready.


I spent two days at the hospital this past week.  Our daughter is expecting her first baby and we thought that it was time for her to join us.  But, our grand-daughter evidently is not ready to join the real world yet.  Our daughter was attached to a monitor and had several ultrasounds.  There was some concern about the levels of the amniotic fluid and there were thoughts of inducing labor.  The doctor finally decided the baby wasn't ready yet so she is just monitoring the pregnancy very closely at this point.  The doctor felt that the benefits of the baby incubating a bit longer outweighed the risks of the low amniotic fluid.  Our daughter is happy because she wasn't ready yet either.


Kate is also joining with Myquillyn, of the Nesting Place in the 31 Day Challenge.  This is where the Nester challenges you to write each day in the month of October on any subject of your choosing. 
Last year, I wrote 31 Days of Dealing with Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease.  It was a very popular topic and I continued writing about this and even started a new page that I named Life with Mom. This year I think my topic will be Life with Baby since she will be arriving any day now and October is going to be a month of many firsts!!


  1. good example of "Ready?" i know when i was in that situation with both my boys and waiting for them to come...i realized that i was not ready on both occasions but, it was one of those things where this was happening and i would just go with the flow, pray to go everything was good and just keep moving forward. things worked out good and i guess i was truly ready... looking back on it. :) great post! and congrats!

  2. What a great idea...I keep checking back every time I'm at my computer. I'm ready to see pictures! I remember going into labor with my son and even though I was so much older than a lot of new moms - I wasn't ready. I was so scared I wouldn't be able to take good care of him. Neither my husband or I had ever changed or bathed a baby until we brought him home!!!

    1. Well it appears as if that didn't stop you both from doing a fine job

    2. It was dicey there at the beginning!


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