
Friday, March 12, 2021

Smoked Beef Brisket, Canvasback Cabernet and the Weekly Menu #WinePW

 And just like that.....I suddenly have all kinds of time on my hands.  I have been telling all of my readers how busy life is around our house during Lent. I run the Parish Fish Fry each Friday feeding some 300 plus people each week.  Prep starts on Wednesday and we work hard until clean up is completed on Saturday.  

Covid 19 graphic

This past Wednesday I got up early, ran and picked up the perishables for our Food Pantry Distribution, pulled the client files and made the appointments for them to pick up their distribution.  Then I headed into the kitchen and began preparing pies and cornbread for our Friday Fish Fry.

I was in the middle of this when I got a phone call from my doctor's office informing me that the Teen had tested positive for COVID and that we all needed to quarantine for 10 days.

I had sent her to the doctor with what I thought were allergies.  No fever present but a sore throat and stuffy nose.  They did give her some nasal spray but they also did a COVID swab and a swab for STREP.  The strep was negative however the COVID was positive.  Suddenly life came to a screeching halt.

Smoked Beef Brisket with Wine

So I now had time to spend a full day smoking a brisket that was in my freezer and pairing it with this lovely bottle of Canvasback Cabernet from Yakima Valley in Washington.  We had it for dinner last night instead of meeting our daughter and son in law as previously planned. 

Smoked Beef Brisket with Wine

The Wine Pairing Weekend Post this month is being hosted by Robin of Crushed Grape Chronicles.  Robin arranged for many of us to be provided with sponsor samples from Yakima Valley for this event.  I was scheduled to receive some, however my contact was forced to take an extended emergency medical leave and my wines were not shipped out.  My prayers are with him and his during this terrible time.

bottle of wine

So, at the last minute, I ordered up this bottle from  It had overnight shipping and the bottle arrived this past Wednesday.  I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do a pairing and get a blog post written but God had other ideas and here I am spending time with all of you.

I am also going to be able to join in the twitter chat tomorrow, 3/13/21 at 11 AM ET, following #WinePW.  I hope to see you all there.  Here are the topics we will be discussing......

This brisket smoked all day long and it smelled so dang delicious.  I will get numerous meals from this day's work.  Thinly sliced and served with Corn Casserole and Baked Beans the first night, it was a perfect pairing with this deep, dark, spicy Cabernet Sauvignon. 

bottle of wine

This Canvasback wine is made following the model established by it's mother company Duckhorn Vineyards and was just recently established in 2014.  I knew it was going to be well worth the $43 price tag and decided to splurge on myself.  I am so glad that I did.

The winemaker, Brian Rudin, has background with L'Ecole No 41, another of my very favorite wines. It is definitely a wine that I will be serving up whenever we are able to get back to having dinner parties.

We won't be eating at the Fish Fry this week so I am making a quick and easy shrimp and green bean stirfry for dinner tonight.

My Weekly Menu is looking completely different as well.  No family dinner on Sunday, no birthday dinner for my brother on Monday and no working the Fish Fry next week either.  

We are scheduled to go up north to hold a CPL class for our TC family and their friends on Friday. This is the last day of our quarantine so fingers crossed that we get no symptoms and are able to still follow through with those plans.  For now...I'm just going to put TBD on my menu.

Weekly Menu collage

Brussels Sprouts Salad

Creamy Lemon Pie

Meatless Monday
Green Vegetable Minestrone

Taco Tuesday
Kung Pao Chicken Tacos

French Onion Salisbury Steak
Cheese Toasts
Steamed Green Beans

Beef Pot Pie, using remaining leftover Brisket

Fish Friday-TBD

Entrees, Smoked, Beef, Brisket, Grilling,
Entrees, Beef
Yield: 10 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
Slow Smoked Beef Brisket

Slow Smoked Beef Brisket

Cooked low and slow on a smoker grill this brisket spends all day long turning into melt in the mouth deliciousness. It will feed a crowd or your family can enjoy at least 3 meals from this one day's work.
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 8 HourTotal time: 8 H & 5 M


  • 5-6 lb. beef brisket
  • Montreal Steak Seasoning, to taste
  • 2 c. beef broth


  1. Season the brisket liberally with the seasoning of your choice.  We love Montreal Steak Seasoning on our beef.
  2. Turn a smoker grill to 250* and let preheat for 15 minutes.
  3. Place the brisket directly onto the grill grate, insert the probe thermometer, close and cook for about 4 hrs, until an internal temperature of 160* is reached.
  4. Remove brisket from grill, double wrap in aluminum foil and add pour the broth over all.  Seal and replace on grill for another 2-3 hrs until an internal temperature of 204* is reached.
  5. Remove from grill, place onto a baking sheet with sides to catch the broth and drippings.  Unwrap and let rest for 15 minutes before slicing against the grain.
  6. Serve with BBQ sauce , if desired.
  7. Reserve the broth for another purpose.  I will make gravy for Beef Pot Pie to use up leftovers later in the week.


Cooked using a Traeger Smoker Grill



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)

Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. Sorry to hear about the Teen and your quarantine, but at least you'll have more time to cook and pair wines. I think I need to get a brisket for this weekend. Good idea.

    1. Yes, there is always a rainbow. That brisket will serve us well all week long.

  2. I hope you all stay well. The wine pairing sounds delicious. It seems like you got hit all around you.

  3. After all of that you ended up tasting a wonderful wine from Red Mountain and had time to make and enjoy Brisket! I hope the teen and the rest of your family stay well, you are in my thoughts. I'm sorry that you will miss the fish-fry, but it's lucky for us that you will now be able to join the chat with us.

    1. I'm happy I can join chat too...Saturday mornings are clean up duty LOL....not missing that at all.

  4. Wendy,
    I am sorry that you have to miss all those family and community engagements but most of all I hope everyone comes out from quarantine feeling well. In the meantime, you seem to have used your time well and yes, splurge on yourself with a great bottle of wine. Sounds like you made a good choice.

  5. Wow Wendy, I feel like a big time slacker after hearing your schedule! I hope your teen will be okay and hopefully you and your family stay safe. Slowing down does have some advantages and I would say your dinner was one of those gains! Smoked brisket and Canvasback Cabernet are two of my favorites. Take care!

  6. Looks like you found a good way to roll with the news! Hope everyone in your home emerges quickly and healthy from this.

  7. so sorry to hear about the teen. Hopefully it isn't bad and everyone else remains healthy. On the positive. you do have some pretty good wine to pass the time!

  8. I am so sorry about the teen and very much hoping everyone stays well! Despite the annoyance of having to quarantine, it sounds like you made the best of a bad situation with the smoked brisket and Canvasback, which I know firsthand is a beautiful wine!

    1. It sure is Nicole and today we found out that we are no longer required to quarantine. Woohooo.

  9. This pairing sounds so amazing I don't even have words! At least you're eating and drinking well by waiting things out. Hope you stay well and the teen recovers quickly.

    1. Thanks Linda....we are all well and quarantine is lifted!!

  10. Sorry about your teen having Covid Wendy, but glad you seem to be looking at the bright side of it....and having time to prepare a smoked beef brisket and this wine sounds great!

    1. Thanks Martin, she is well now, had very mild symptoms and my husband and I never had any symptoms at all. We are out of quarantine and life is good.


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