
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Wishing I were spending Summer in Provence with a Roche Bellemont Rose #Winophiles

The sweet and spicy flavors of this Huli Huli Chicken paired beautifully with this wonderful bottle of Roche Bellemont Rose from Provence.

Huli Huli Chicken with Wine

The Winophiles are celebrating Summertime in Provence this month......

Linda of My Full Wine Glass invited us to virtually travel with her to Provence for this month's French Winophiles theme.  I dream of going to Provence.  It has been on my bucket list forever. We are traveling to France next Spring, however, we are heading to Normandy which has long been on my husband's bucket list.  That means we will have to plan another trip so that I can spend some time in Provence smelling the lavender and sipping Rose wine.  It's a tough life but someone's got to do it.

Rose wine

Rose wines, especially those from Provence, are my summer go-to wines.  I always have a couple of bottles in my wine fridge to open and enjoy while lounging in the pool or enjoying a summertime dinner.  I love Rose because it is completely food friendly and seems to go well with whatever I'm serving up.

I ordered a case of Rose wines from WSJ Wine Club to which I belong at the beginning of summer.  It didn't last very long.  There are only 12 bottles in a case.....I needed to order 4 cases LOL.  Included in this shipment were two lovely bottles from Roche Bellemont made by Herve Sabardeil who is a Rose master according to them.  I must agree that this was one of the nicest Rose wines in the case.

I opened this wine before dinner, took a sip, and thought "Oh my Goodness, that is a lovely wine".  Pale pink with gold overtones.  Dry, crisp, and fruity.  Acidic with a hint of sweetness.  Very well-balanced.

I took a glass out to Frank, who was manning the grill.  He agreed that it was worth the extra money I had spent.  I normally would spend less than $20 for a bottle of Rose.  The Bellemont is priced at $28.99.  

Huli Huli Chicken

I did not serve a Provencal meal with this Rose.  I had found a recipe for Huli Huli Chicken that I wanted to try and thought that the Rose would be a nice pairing.  I was right.  If you are looking for a quick and delicious summer dinner try this Huli Huli chicken accompanied by this Pineapple Rice Salad.
Don't forget the Rose!!  Cheers.

I'm interested in seeing how the others are Celebrating Summer in Provence.  I am including links to their articles so that you can join in the fun too.  
Linda is also doing an Instagram Live with Jill Barth on Friday, 8/18, at 11 a PT/2 pm ET. Jill is a writer, author, and, of course, she's a Winophile! She's also an expert on Provence. You are welcome to stop by.

    Entrees, Chicken, Grilling, Hawaiian
    Entrees, Chicken
    Yield: 3 servings
    Author: Wendy Klik
    Huli Huli Chicken

    Huli Huli Chicken

    Boneless, skinless chicken thighs marinated in a sweet and spicy sauce before being grilled and basted with additional sauce.
    Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 10 MinInactive time: 8 HourTotal time: 8 H & 15 M


    • 6 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
    • 1/4 c. brown sugar
    • 3 T. ketchup
    • 3 T. soy sauce
    • 1 1/2 T. chicken broth
    • 3/4 t. ginger paste
    • 1 clove garlic, minced


    1. Combine the brown sugar, ketchup, soy sauce, broth, ginger, and garlic. Pour half of this mixture into a plastic bag that seals. Cover and refrigerate remaining sauce.
    2. Add the chicken thighs to the bag containing the marinade. Seal the bag, removing the air, and massage the sauce onto the chicken until completely covered. Place in the refrigerator for at least 8 hrs and up to overnight.
    3. Grill the chicken over med-high heat for about 5 minutes per side, basting occasionally with the reserved sauce, until an internal temperature of 165* is reached. Let rest for a few minutes before serving.


    Adapted from a recipe found in Taste of Home.

    Nutrition Facts



    Fat (grams)

    9.35 g

    Sat. Fat (grams)

    2.33 g

    Carbs (grams)

    24.01 g

    Fiber (grams)

    0.21 g

    Net carbs

    23.8 g

    Sugar (grams)

    21.75 g

    Protein (grams)

    45.73 g

    Sodium (milligrams)

    1394.35 mg

    Cholesterol (grams)

    214.85 mg


  1. Chicken looks delicious.

  2. We love huli huli chicken...and I don't think I have ever paired it with Rose, but I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm wishing I was experiencing summer at your farm Wendy! The food and wine look amazing.

  4. Provence Rosé for the summer win! I love that your wine was part of the WSJ wine club, a great way to discover wines you may not otherwise buy.

    1. Yes and to get wines that are not normally available to me in Michigan.

  5. Provence rosé is such a summer classic. No wonder it's your go-to. I've never heard of hull hull chicken but that sweet and sour sauce sounds like an amazing marinade!

  6. Oops! Sorry, Wendy, that anonymous post is mine.

  7. What a delicious sounding recipe. I think your rose is absolutely gorgeous in the glass.


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