
Sunday, August 13, 2023

Marinated Venison Steaks #SundayFunday

Did you know that tomorrow is National Navajo Code Talkers Day?  I didn't either until my friend, Amy of Amy's Cooking Adventures, named it as the theme for this week's Sunday Funday.

Navajo Code Talkers Day, celebrated every year on August 14, is a day that holds great importance in the history of the U.S. This is because the day recognizes the contributions of Navajo marines during World War II. Yes, Navajo marines encoded and transmitted messages using a complex Navajo language-based code during a time when secret communication was essential to win a war. And guess what? The code was never broken by Japanese forces in the Pacific and proved to be of great assistance to the U.S. Marines. On this day, celebrate the great American heroes and their service to the nation!  (source: National Today)

Navajo Code Talkers Day

image courtesy of DVIDS graphics
The Navajo Tribes lived mainly in the Southwestern lands of what is now known as the United States of America.  Their diet relied heavily on corn but also included pumpkin, yucca, and other vegetables native to the area as well as wild game.

I live in Michigan where we still enjoy wild game.  Hunting is a huge sport in this area.  This is an important sport as it culls the herds that would otherwise die of starvation.  Most of the hunters, at least all of the hunters I know, enjoy their game during the year as meals or donate it to families that are meal insecure.

We are lucky enough to be the recipients of venison, fish, and the occasional pheasant or rabbit from the hunters in our life.  

The area in which I live was home to the Algonquin Tribes.  I celebrate them occasionally and have shared some foods that they were known to enjoy like this 3 Sisters Casserole and this Wild Nut Soup.

Marinated Venison Steaks

To celebrate National Navajo Code Talker's Day, I decided to pull out a package of Venison steaks I had been gifted by my neighbor, Mark.  Mark processes his own deer and does a great job.  I love venison and if it is processed properly with all of the fat and gristle removed, so does everyone I feed it to.  

These steaks were enjoyed by my Angel Face, who loves steak.  She did not realize they were deer nor did I tell her.  I used a marinade from Montreal Steak Seasoning that used soy sauce along with their spice mix.  It was very salty.  The Angel Face scraped the spices from her steak and said that it was much better.  She ate 1 1/2 steaks.

Marinated Venison Steaks

When I make the next steaks that I have been blessed with I will change up the marinade and use my own spice mixture instead of the Montreal Seasoning.  I do use, and enjoy, the Montreal Seasoning on beef steaks that I am grilling however the soy sauce puts this marinade over the top for salt level.

For the purposes of this recipe, I have lessened the amount of seasoning from the 2 teaspoons that I used to only 1 teaspoon.  That, along with using lite soy sauce, should help to lower the saltiness of this dish.

Let's take a look at what recipes the others are sharing to celebrate National Navajo Code Talkers Day...

Entrees, Grilling, Steaks, Venison, Game
Entrees, Game
Yield: 3 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
Marinated Venison Steaks

Marinated Venison Steaks

Thinly sliced Venison Filets, marinated with Montreal Steak Seasoning and seared on a hot grill.
Prep time: 3 MinCook time: 6 MinInactive time: 1 HourTotal time: 1 H & 9 M


  • 1 lb. thinly sliced venison filets
  • 1/4 c. olive oil
  • 2 T. lite soy sauce
  • 1 t. Montreal Steak Seasoning


  1. Combine the oil, soy sauce and seasoning in a sealable plastic bag. Shake to combine.
  2. Add the steaks and release the air from the bag when sealing. Massage the steaks with the marinade in the bag and leave them at room temperature for an hour. You can leave the steaks in the marinade longer but refrigerate until an hour before grilling.
  3. Heat a grill to high. Cook the steaks, uncovered for about 3 minutes per side. Let rest for a few minutes before serving.


Recipe adapted from one found at McCormick's.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)

21.72 g

Sat. Fat (grams)

3.94 g

Carbs (grams)

1.11 g

Fiber (grams)

0.18 g

Net carbs

0.93 g

Sugar (grams)

0.22 g

Protein (grams)

36.03 g

Sodium (milligrams)

747.97 mg

Cholesterol (grams)

128.52 mg


  1. How lucky are you to have such great friends? Food gifts are always a good thing! And yes, make your own seasoning mix. I've gotten to the point where I just can't tolerate the amount of salt in most seasonings anymore.

    1. The combination of the seasoning mix with the soy sauce was very overwhelming.

  2. Great choice! These look delicious! I am also wary of premade marinades!

  3. Those steaks are super juicy looking! I can understand your not saying what venison really is, lol.

    1. I feed venison to a lot of people who have no idea and enjoy their meals.

  4. Steaks look super juicy and delciious!

  5. An interesting read Wendy, reminds me of India and Kenya where neighbours always share food.

    1. Yes, I love living in a small town where the neighbors turn into family.


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