
Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Show Girl Inspired Pork Chop and Peach Skillet and the Weekly Menu

Boneless pork loin chops, browned and then nestled in a bed of caramelized peaches to finish cooking through.  

Pork Chop and Peach Skillet

When I went to the Farmer's Market last weekend one of the stands had peaches.  I remarked that it was pretty early for peaches here in Michigan and the farmer replied that it is perfect peach picking weather in North Carolina from which these peaches were shipped.  

I normally don't buy peaches until they are ready here but these looked so delicious I couldn't resist.  They needed to ripen for a couple of days but then they were ready and so was I.  

Pork Chop and Peach Skillet

My original plan was to grill the pork chops and peaches to enjoy together but then it decided to storm all day so I made this skillet instead.

The Show Girl

I had been listening to The Show Girl and had bought a package of pork chops inspired by a first date that the protagonist, Olive, enjoys with her new beau Archibald, in which she orders the pork chops.  

Olive is a young girl in the roaring 20's who dreams of a life on stage, much to the chagrine of her midwest parents who want nothing more than their only daughter to settle down with a good man and raise a family.

Olive leaves home for California at a young age and is working in small stage shows hoping for her big break.  She meets a man who gets her drunk, promises her the world and takes advantage of her in the form of date rape.  Olive, of course, finds herself pregnant and returns home to discover that her parents are, in fact, moving to New York.  When Olive confesses to her mother that she is pregnant, they hide the fact from the rest of the family and she is shipped off to stay with an aunt until she has the child who is put up for adoption.

The novel starts a year later when Olive approaches Ziegfield to request a job in his Follies.  Olive, despite her parents disapproval, becomes one of the lead stars and is living the life.  Olive meets Archibald, a rich businessman from Cincinatti and falls head over heels in love.

Olive cannot believe how perfect her life is with a job she loves and the man she loves asking for her hand in marriage and providing her with a lifestyle previously unimagined.  Life is very good until Olive realizes that Archibald, too, thinks that she should leave show business and settle down to give him a family.  Olive has a secret, however, that she has never shared with anyone.  The difficult birth of her daughter resulted in Olive being sterile and unable to have more children.....

You will have to read the novel yourself to find out how it ends.  I hope that you enjoy it.  I am sharing this novel over at Foodies Read.  Stop by and see what the others are reading this month.

We are having a quiet weekend but have a busy week ahead of us.  Tuesday night Frank is taking me to dinner and then to see my first love, Donny Osmond, in concert.  

Wednesday we are going to the Bonacorsi's house.  Cathy and I will visit while the guys are joined by our friend, Chet, and Frank's brother, Dan. They get together once a month to talk guns.  This month Bob is hosting and Cathy asked me to come along with Frank.  We will all be going out to dinner after the guys are done drooling over their toys.

Thursday we will be joining the others who are going to Egypt for a pool night. We will have a light dinner before we go. Friday is John's Birthday, traditionally this means dinner out at Mexican.  I haven't checked with him yet but am planning it just the same.

So here is what I'm planning to cook up this week.  What is on your menu?

Grilled Meatball Subs



Out for dinner before concert

Out to dinner with friends

Hot Dogs
Baked Beans

Friday-John's Birthday
Out for Mexican

Entrees, Pork Chops, Skillet, Peaches,
Entrees, Pork
Yield: 2 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
Pork Chop and Peach Skillet

Pork Chop and Peach Skillet

Boneless pork loin chops, browned and then nestled in a bed of caramelized peaches to finish cooking through.
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 20 MinTotal time: 25 Min


  • 4 thin cut boneless loin pork chops
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 T. olive oil
  • 2 peaches, peeled and sliced (see note)
  • 1 T. Butter
  • 2 T. brown sugar


  1. Pat dry the pork chops and season them with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over med high heat. Sear the chops on both sides until browned, remove to a plate and keep warm.
  3. Add the butter to the same skillet, when melted add the peaches and cook while juices release, stirring and scraping up any browned bits stuck to the bottom of the pan.
  4. Sprinkle with the brown sugar and continue to cook until peaches are coated and beginning to caramelize.
  5. Return the pork chops to the skillet and cook in the sauce until reheated and cooked to an internal temperature of 145 is reached.
  6. Plate the pork chops, ladeling the peaches and juices over the top.


To peel peaches. With a sharp knife, make an x on the top of the peaches and dip into boiling water for about 30-45 seconds. Remove from the boiling water and immediately submerge in ice water. The peel should slide right off with a little coaxing.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)

31.77 g

Sat. Fat (grams)

11.22 g

Carbs (grams)

26.93 g

Fiber (grams)

2.25 g

Net carbs

24.68 g

Sugar (grams)

24.24 g

Protein (grams)

59.2 g

Sodium (milligrams)

294.18 mg

Cholesterol (grams)

194.82 mg

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