
Friday, July 7, 2023

Grilled Teriyaki Chicken + Cava = A Perfect Summer Pairing #WinePW

This bottle of  CAVA Rose Brut may just be the perfect summertime, poolside drink.  It is crisp, bone dry and refreshing and it pairs beautifully with warm weather foods.

Cava Wine

The Wine Pairing Weekend gang are looking at CAVA this month........
Deanna of Wineivore is hosting this month and posed the question "Does Cava really pair with everything?"  Let's see what everyone thinks.......

Glass of Cava wine

Cava is a sparkling wine from Spain made in the same manner as those sparkling wines from Champagne, France.  I picked up this bottle of  Marques de Monistrol Rose Cava from Total Wine for less than $15.  I chose it because I am a Rose lover especially during the summer months.  I am not a huge sparkling wine fan but this bottle was crisp and dry so I was pleased.  The bubbles seemed to go on and on and on........

Chicken on the Grill

I marinated some chicken thighs in Teriyaki Sauce and poured us each a glass of this CAVA while Frank put the chicken on the grill.  We sat and enjoyed a glass together while the chicken cooked.  We were hoping to enjoy dinner outside but, alas, the weather did not cooperate and we were chased inside by some rain.

Dinner plate with Cava wine

It was a simple meal of the grilled chicken, cantaloupe and 4 bean salad that was leant a bit of elegance with the sparkling wine.  We finished the bottle with dinner and were very pleased with the pairing.  I don't know if CAVA goes with everything but it does go with Grilled Teriyaki Chicken.  I marinated this chicken in Homemade Teriyaki Sauce but you can use your favorite store bought brand as well.

Other successful pairings I have enjoyed with Cava were these Chicken and Pork Roll Lettuce Cups and store bought Mixed Berry Tarts.  I'm sure it would be amazing with seafood as well and I find sparkling wines are also wonderful with popcorn.  This is a great little tip to keep in mind when unexpected guests stop by.  It only takes a moment to pop some corn and open a bottle of Cava to make your friends feel welcome and loved.

Deanna will be hosting a Twitter Chat about Cava wines tomorrow, July 8, at 11 AM ET.  You will find the discussion by following #WinePW.  We would love to have you join us and share your thoughts about CAVA.


  1. That looks like a delicious pairing. Hold on one second: you aren't a fan of sparkling wine?!!? How did I not know that?

    1. I will drink it. It just isn't my first choice. I'm not a big fan of bubbles. I don't care for soda or beer for the same reason.

  2. More bubbles for us then! But seriously, this sounds like a great pairing.

    1. Exactly and I had to laugh because the guest who joined us for dinner last night brought a bottle of sparkling. I joined her in having a glass with our appetizers and then I switched to red.

  3. So many awesome pairing suggestions! Popcorn and cava for guests is such a good idea, and the teriyaki chicken dinner with that rosy red cava sounds like a perfect way to spend a summer evening.

  4. I'm a fan of sparkling (and still) rose´ with grilled chicken. Brava Wendy!

  5. I like Cam, was surprised that you are not a bubbles fan. I'll be with Andrea enjoying all the bubbles you leave for the rest of us!!! Your pairing sounds lovely!

    1. Thanks Robin. I will cheer your bubbles with my still wine.

  6. Ooo, I am loving the flavors of this dish and since I am a huge Cava fan, I am eager to try this combination. I am loving the label on the bottle. Do you get swayed by labels?

  7. That's the great thing about this bubbly - you can sauce up the food just about any way you like and Cava says, "yes."


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