
Friday, May 5, 2023

Feliz Cinco de Mayo and The Weekly Menu

We are having a Fiesta tonight.  We are having a Dive Party meeting.  We are not going to Mexico this year.  We are going to Egypt.  But I am serving Mexican as we talk about and plan our trip.


I chose to host the meeting tonight because Cinco de Mayo makes life so easy.  We are having a build your own taco bar, Cervezas and Frank's Fantastic Margaritas.  Life doesn't get much easier than that and everything can be made in advance so I don't have to be stuck in the kitchen during our discussion.
During COVID when people could not travel but were dreaming of traveling our friend's Don and Mickey found their Dive Classes booming.  We have a lot of new folks that will be joining us on this trip to Egypt in the fall and I am anxious to get to know all of them.  

Yesterday was Frank's birthday.  We went out to dinner at Louie's Chop House.  Frank loves their food and on Thursdays they have a woman that sings beautifully and he loves going when she is there.  Several of our friends joined us in celebrating.

Sunday, we are having family dinner to celebrate his birthday.  On Friday Amy, Jen and I are heading out to Nashville to spend Mother's Day Weekend with my Lili Bug.  I have not seen her nor Jen in what feels like years!!!!  I am so looking forward to it.

So here is our Weekly Menu.  Happy May everyone!!

Grilled Hot Dogs

Sunday-Frank's Birthday Celebration
Shrimp Cocktail
Cheese and Crackers
Chips and Dip
Texas Toast
Birthday Cake by Roz
Ice Cream

Meatless Mexican Monday

Leftovers from Sunday


Chicken Noodle Soup (made with rotisserie chicken carcass)


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