
Sunday, April 10, 2022

Pineapple Bread Pudding #SundayFunday

I served up this Pineapple Bread Pudding with breakfast one morning but it is also the perfect side dish to grace your Easter table next Sunday.  The recipe can be doubled or tripled to meet your needs.  

PIneapple Bread Pudding

Join the Sunday Funday Bloggers as we share wonderful Easter Side Dishes with you today......
Sunday Funday Logo
I am hosting this month and with Easter right around the corner I asked the others to share some of their favorite side dishes to serve up with dinner.....

Ham is always on my Easter table and pineapple is such a wonderful partner with ham that I usually have a side dish featuring it.  Maybe this Pineapple and Banana Salad or this Baked Pineapple.

Pineapple Bread Pudding

While tradition is important to me I also like to change things up a bit so this year I decided to try a couple of new recipes to see if I wanted to include them on my Holiday table.  This Pineapple Bread Pudding came in with a resounding YES.

Easter Menu

And so, with that, my Easter Menu was decided.  A new Sweet Potato Recipe is included this year as well but you will have to wait for that. One of my guests does not eat pork so I am including Chicken Marsala this year.  I always try to have enough side dishes to accommodate our son in law, who is Vegetarian.

breakfast plate

I served this bread pudding up with a Slovak dish that I will be sharing with you at 10 am this morning with our Eat the World gang.  This plate is an ideal way to use up any leftovers of Pineapple Bread Pudding or Ham on Easter Monday.

Pineapple Bread Pudding Pin

Do you serve up a Traditional Ham Dinner on Easter?  Whether you serve Ham, Lamb or go completely Vegan or Vegetarian, I hope this event has helped you with your Menu planning.  1 week to go......

Side Dishes, Holidays, Casseroles, Pineapple, Bread,
Side Dishes
Yield: 3 servings
Author: A Day in the Life on the Farm
Pineapple Bread Pudding

Pineapple Bread Pudding

Fresh pineapple and red onion flavored with sage tossed in a custard mixture with bread and baked to a golden brown. A perfect side dish for your Easter meal.
Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 30 MinTotal time: 45 Min


  • 1/2 c. diced red onion
  • 1 T. butter, melted and cooled
  • 1 large or 2 small sage leaves, minced
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1/2 c. diced fresh pineapple
  • 2 T. sugar
  • 1 T. flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 c. light cream
  • 2 c. cubed stale bread


  1. Melt butter in small skillet over medium heat. Add the onions, season with sage, salt and pepper. Cook until onion is tender, about 1 minute. Set aside to cool.
  2. Toss the pineapple, sugar, flour and bread together and place into a casserole that has been treated with cooking spray.
  3. Whisk together the eggs and cream. Stir in the onion mixture and pour over the ingredients in the casserole. Stir to combine and bake in a preheated 400* oven for about half an hour, until puffed and golden brown.


Recipe can be multiplied to feed additional guests.

Recipe can be made ahead of time and refrigerated until ready to bake.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)



  1. What an interesting bread pudding, Wendy! I like the combo of sweet and savory!

  2. I want to come to your house for Easter dinner! Your menu, along with this bread pudding, sounds fabulous!

  3. Wow Wendy this is an interesting recipe. I've not tried a savoury bread pudding. Will have to give this recipe a try for brunch. Nice way to use up stale bread and enjoy the pudding with some eggs.

  4. Interesting combo! It's great to have diverse sides at Easter!

  5. The combo of pineapple and bread sounds so delicious, Wendy! My hubby will love this!

  6. Wow! Wendy this is an interesting recipe. I always wanted to try savoury puddings. Love it.


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