
Sunday, April 10, 2022

Hemendex #EattheWorld

I was researching Slovakian recipes for this month's Eat the World Challenge and numerous recipes for Hemendex popped up.  I opened the first one and saw a photo of Ham and Eggs, it took me until the third recipe to finally hear in my head "Hemendex" as Ham and Eggs with a Slovakian accent.  I'm not really quick sometimes LOL.


I chose this recipe because it was such a fun name and because, with Easter around the corner, I thought it was a great way to used up leftover ham. 
Eat the World Logo

Since we had already visited Ukraine this year but still wanting to show solidarity, Evelyne of CulturEatz asked us to share a Slovakian recipe this month......

Check out all the wonderful Slovak dishes prepared by fellow Eat the World members and share with #eattheworld. Click here to find out how to join and have fun exploring a country a month in the kitchen with us! 

Hemendex cooking

The recipes I looked at all called for thinly sliced ham, overlapping in a pan, topped with eggs seasoned simply with salt and pepper.  Some included smoked paprika, some included dill.  One recipe said you can substitute salami for the ham.  Most used deli sliced ham.  I used prosciutto because that was what I had in the fridge.  I am going to make this again with thinly sliced pieces of leftover Easter ham.

Hemendex pin

Once the ham is layered in the pan and warming, crack one or two eggs directly on top of it, season as desired, cover and cook until eggs are done to your preference.

Breakfast, Ham, Eggs, One Skillet Meals
Entrees, Breakfast
Yield: 1
Author: A Day in the Life on the Farm


This Slovakian recipe for Ham and Eggs is quick, easy and delicious.
Prep time: 2 MinCook time: 2 MinTotal time: 4 Min


  • 2 thin slices of ham
  • olive oil spray
  • 2 eggs
  • salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Spray a small skillet with olive oil and place over medium heat.
  2. When hot, place the ham slices, overlapping onto the bottom of the skillet.
  3. Carefully crack the eggs and place directly on top of the ham. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. Cover the skillet and cook until eggs are cooked to desired level.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)



  1. That is like the best breakfast! And I fully support trying prosciutto.

  2. Great way to add variety for a quick breakfast.. looks delicious!

  3. I too found a comforting recipe while searching and found the flavors very much similar to ours. Food and flavors are more common in various parts of the world. This is a delicious breakfast! And an easy one too.

    1. It is fun comparing foods from different parts of the world. I love this group.

  4. What's not to love here?? This seems like it could make a weekly lunch rotation!

  5. I had to chuckle when you explained the name of this dish! I can just imagine someone saying it with an accent. Looks delicious. Such tasty simplicity.


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