
Friday, October 12, 2018

Dragon Fruit Sorbet and a Book Review #FreakyFruitFriday

This easy to make Dragon Fruit Sorbet would be the perfect palate cleanser for your next Asian Dinner party.

Come to think of it, an Asian Dinner Party would be perfect for a Halloween get together.....
My friend, Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla has a wonderful working relationship with Melissa's Produce.  This makes me very happy because I am often invited to join her when she hosts a blog party featuring their products.

This particular event is called Freaky Fruits Friday and each blogger received a very generous gift box from Melissa's for the purpose of creating recipes.  Melissa's asks for nothing in return other than our complete, honest and impartial opinions when we post a recipe. 

As you can see, there is way too much fruit for just two recipes so I have been sharing other's along the way including this delicious Rambutini.

And this cocktail, using Blood Oranges, and created for our #eattheworld group to celebrate Halloween Italian style.  What can I say....Tropical Fruits turn my head towards cocktails....blame it on scuba diving trips to the Islands LOL.

To be honest, I was very tempted to make a frozen cocktail from this Dragon Fruit too but I figured two cocktails was enough.  

Instead, I decided to whip up this amazingly easy, peasy sorbet recipe to share with you.  It only takes 3 ingredients and 2 minutes time before putting it into the ice cream maker.

It can either be served immediately in the shells of the Dragon Fruit as pictured above for a great presentation, or put into a freezer safe container and be frozen for later use.  If you can find the magenta colored Dragon Fruit the presentation is stunning.

I like serving Asian food when having a dinner party.  It is quick, flavorful, and colorful.  Each year we have a family dinner to honor our daughter, Jessica (aka Tingting), to celebrate her culture with a Chinese New Year party.  Here is my menu from 2014201520162017 and last year.  This year's menu will include this sorbet. Well, not THIS is gone.  I will make a new batch, hopefully with magenta fleshed Dragon Fruit.

Let's take a look at what the others created from their Freaky Fruit Box and don't forget to come back next Friday as we share our final Freaky Fruit Post.

div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"> Cam also had sent me a box of books.  We are avid readers and she is very generous about sharing the books when she is done with them, inviting me to pass them onto others when I am done.  I cannot often return the favor because I am an ereader kind of gal and most of my purchases are on the noonk or kindle apps.

Image result for the ice cream queen of orchard street

One of the novels included in the last package she sent was The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street by Susan Gilman.  This novel is about a woman, Malka (later renamed Lillian) of Russian Jewish descent whose family ends up in the USA when her father convinces her (at 6 years of age) to defy her mother and give him the money hidden inside her coat.  

Her mother had intended them to go to Africa where they would have family around them.  Due to illness she and all the other siblings are separated from Malka and her father.  The family is still disoriented when boarding the ship and the mother is very hurt, angry and surprised to end up in America.  She never forgives Malka.  Malka's father soon abandons the family, the mother has a nervous breakdown and is hospitalized and the children are scattered.

Malka is adopted by an Italian family that makes ice cream, she learns the trade and learns it well, but alas, once again she is abandoned and discarded by those who are supposed to love and care for her.

It is the story of how our pasts and things over which we have no control, shape us into the people we are, both good and bad.   

I will be sharing this post with our FoodiesRead group.  You can click on the link to see what other's are reading this month.

And here is my recipe.  I have advised to add sugar to taste, however, if you are going to serve this as a palate cleanser, remember that you don't want it too sweet.

#tropical, #sorbet, #funwithfood, #familyfun, #familydinner,
desserts, side dish
Tropical Fusion
Yield: 8-10 servingsPin it

Dragonfruit Sorbet

This easy to make Dragon Fruit Sorbet would be the perfect palate cleanser for your next Asian Dinner party.
prep time: 10 minscook time: total time: 10 mins


3 large, very ripe, Dragon Fruit
Juice of 1/2 lemon
sugar to taste


Cut the dragon fruit in half and scoop out pulp.  Place pulp in a heavy duty blender with the lemon juice and puree until smooth.  If the dragon fruit is not very ripe, you can add a little water to help it puree.  Taste and add a little sugar if necessary.

Pour the puree into an ice cream maker and churn per manufacturer's directions.  Serve soft serve immediately using the shell of the fruit, if desired.  Or freeze for later use.
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. Funny, I've had that book sitting on my to-read shelf for a few years now...I guess I really should open it and start reading!!! Love the sorbet...and that you served it in the skin, shell, rind...not sure what the right word is for dragon fruit! Who cares looks cool, right???

    1. Yes, I just wish I had the magenta dragon fruit for that bright pop of color.

  2. What a great idea and I love how simple the ingredient list is!

  3. You remind me of the farmers' markets in Hawaii, where the amazing colors and textures of the fruits -- including dragon fruit -- are so different from what I see here in the northern US. The novel you read looks intriguing!

    best... mae at

  4. The book sounds interesting. That dragon fruit is very odd, for sure!

  5. It looks like you made so many different yummy recipes! This sorbet sounds tasty

    1. There was so much produce Heather...I didn't know where to start.

  6. Using the fruit itself as the container for serving this sorbet is a great idea! I didn't even think to make a sorbet but it's a great idea!

  7. What a great dessert! Thanks for joining me.

  8. I love sorbet! What a great idea to make it with dragonfruit!


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