
Saturday, August 9, 2014

One of these days things will quiet down but until then here is my Weekly Menu.

It is another, crazy, busy week here in the Klik household. But regardless how busy we are we still have to eat so here I am planning our Weekly Menu that I am happy to share with you.

Today I was up early because I have to be to a 5K at 7:45.  No, I did not start running again, although I should and I might, but not today.  Today the 5K was generously asking for food donations to our food pantry so I ave just need to be there as a representative for that.  Once the race starts I will be able to leave which gives me time to  pick up Dick and Jackie so we can fly to Put In Bay for lunch.  I pulled out burgers to have for dinner tonight but a lot depends on when we get home...we may end up having dinner out also.

Tomorrow, Sunday, we are invited to Roz and Ron's for dinner.

My Try it Tuesday Meal is also my pizza for this month in my Year of Pizza Challenge.  This recipe is adapted from this one, found on Amy's Cooking Adventures.  You will hear more about Amy in the next paragraph.

Wednesday night we are going out to dinner with our friends, the Wronas and the Greens.  It should be a fun evening.

Thursday, we are having John, Kirsten and their family from N. Dakota over for dinner.  Their daughter in law, Amy, blogs over at Amy's Cooking Adventures.  She does a wonderful job with her blog, she is a super mom and wife and I am happy to call her my friend.  She is going to show me how to set up a new recipe display while John, Mike and the boys fish and swim.  When Kirsten and Frank get home from work we will have dinner and then all relax in the pool for a bit.

Friday we are leaving to go to Trout Creek, Canada, for Frank's family reunion on his Mom's side.  We are taking Mom Klik and our niece, Danielle with us.  I am bringing my laptop but I don't know how likely it is that we will have internet service.

Below, you will find my Weekly Menu.  Please join me each day as I post recipes and photos. You should also stop by Menu Plan Monday to see what other great ideas are out there.

Cucumber Salad

Dinner at Roz and Ron's

Meatless Monday
Mozzarella and Tomato Pannini
Grilled Corn on the  Cob

Try it Tuesday
Chicago Style Pizza

Out for dinner

Beer Butt Chicken
Potato Salad
Beet and Tomato Salad
Corn and Green Bean Salad
Broccoli and Cauliflower Salad
Chocolate Zucchini Bundt Cake

On the way to Trout Creek in Northern Canada


  1. You do sound like a very busy woman. I love that you are involved with the food pantry and that you seem to have so many great friends to share meals with. Your menu looks great! I am off to read about the Beer Butt Chicken! By the way, I found you from Orgjunkie!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Cynthia, I hope you enjoy the beer butt chicken, it is delicious.


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