
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cinco de Mayo Menu

We are having our after dive party this Saturday.  This is a get together where all who went on the last dive trip come over with cd's of their photos and we all ooooh and aaaaah over the great shots that we got.  And it gives us an opportunity to see each other and share some laughs.

This year, since it is so close to Cinco de Mayo, I am going with a Mexican menu.  I thought I would share it with you all now and then follow up with the recipes and photos in another post, and since we are celebrating on Saturday it will give you time to plan your own fiesta for May 5th.

Cinco Tres de Mayo Menu

Guacamole and Chips
Chips and Salsa  (Provided by Sharon)
Pico de Gallo and Chips (Provided by Gayle)
Ceviche (Provided by Linda)

Salad (Provided by Linda)

Chicken Enchiladas
Sweet Corn Tamales

Refried Beans
Green Rice
Fruit Platter

Frank's Famous Rum Punch


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