
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Not your Typical Thursday

My life is generally pretty predictable.  At least during the week.  Mondays are errand days, Tuesdays are backpack days and Mom spends the night with Dawn, Wednesday is food pantry day and shower night for Mom, Thursdays are Mom's hair days, choir night, Dick and Jackie join us for dinner and then keep Mom for us.  Not much variance but today was different.

We had gone to see the stage play version of Sister Act last night, which was excellent!!  What a fun show.  It was a great time.  This meant that Mom did not get her shower as per usual.  So the first thing different this Thursday was that I had to shower Mom this morning before  her hair appointment.

The next different thing was that my friend and mentor, Sister Maryann, had invited me over to celebrate Cheyenne's 15th birthday.  Cheyenne is our pastor's German Shepherd. Cheyenne is also a veteran, having served 3 tours in war overseas before coming home and being adopted by Fr. Rooney.  Sister Maryann loves when our pastors have dogs that she can spoil!!  So, after Mom's shower, I ran to the store for some ingredients I needed to make lunch for all the party goers.  We had Sloppy Joes, Cole Slaw, Fruit Platter and Chips.  Sister made Porcupine Meatballs for the guest of honor and, of course, there was birthday cake.

Sr. Geraldine wrapping gifts before the guest of honor arrives

Sr. Maryann putting Cheyenne's lunch into the oven.

The gift table.

The guest of honor, Cheyenne, with his human, Fr. Rooney
Lunch is Served

Cheyenne's Birthday Cake

The guest's birthday cake.

Cheyenne with his biggest fan.
The Guests

Enjoying his birthday gifts.
Happy Birthday, Dear Cheyenne, Happy Birthday to you!!

I am skipping choir tonight so that I can go with Tingting for her ultrasound that will disclose the sex of the baby.  I will let you know what we are having as soon as she makes her announcement and gives me permission to do the same.  I think we are having a boy.....We'll see if I am right!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how exciting. I can't wait to find out what your baby is!


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