
Friday, May 31, 2024

Happy to be Home and The Weekly Menu

We returned from an amazing whirlwind WWII tour of Germany and France on Wednesday.  We enjoyed seeing the sites of the cities.  This was interspersed with visiting the historical towns of Berlin, Nuremberg, Dacchau, and the Beaches of Normandy.

Cruise on the Seine
You needed to enjoy both because the WWII tour by itself was too heart-wrenching to not have some relief and happiness thrown into the mix.  

American Cemetary Omaha Beach

My happiness came not only from the sites we saw but also from sharing this trip with dear friends and getting to spend time with our exchange student sons, Max who lives in Berlin and Dian who traveled from Denmark to Paris with is family to spend time with us.

This is a photo of Max and me on the dock of his parent's home in Berlin.  Across the river is the site of the rowing competition of the 1936 Olympics.  You can see the spectator stands and the podium from which Hitler watched the competition.  This site can be seen in the film The Boys in the Boat, currently streaming.  

Dian and his family went to Disneyland Paris while we visited Versailles.  The following day they met us for lunch and we walked down to a park on the Seine across from the Eiffel Tower.

Man and boy

There was a playground where they could burn off some energy before the long train ride back to their hotel near Disney.  It was a short visit and I so appreciate that they made time for us.

We had an absolutely marvelous time but we are very happy to be home again.  The dogs were very happy to see us.  Even our resident teens, Marissa and Rae, were happy to have us home.

Of course, that might be because the pantry and fridge are empty so yesterday was spent making the Weekly Menu and restocking.

Today I am headed back to my exercise class.  Then I am stopping by the nursery to start filling the planters on the patio.  The water in the pool cover is being pumped and when it is empty we will open and start filling the pool.  We hope to have it open and ready for use by Sunday.

Here's what I have planned taking into consideration that even with walking an average of 15K steps per day we gained weight on this vacation.  The food and wine were incredible!!!

Grilled Chicken and Blackberry Salad

Sunday Supper

Meatless Monday

Taco Tuesday
Taco Tico


Out for dinner with Friends

Grilled Shrimp Skewers
Quinoa Salad

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