
Sunday, December 24, 2023

Eggnog White Russian #SundayFunday

Enjoy this Holiday twist on a classic cocktail by using Eggnog in place of the cream in your White Russian.

Eggnog White Russian

The Sunday Funday Bloggers are sharing Eggnog recipes today....Cheers!!

Colleen of Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice is hosting this week and asked us to share any recipes that included Eggnog.   Let's see what everyone brought to the table....

Eggnog White Russian

I wasn't sure if we should have our Sunday Funday Bloggers share recipes today since it is such a busy time of the year so I asked the regular participants for their thoughts. Colleen said she would like to share a post this morning and was kind enough to offer to host the event.  Colleen chose the theme Eggnog.

I started out by telling her that I would be making Eggnog Oatmeal.  Then, when I told my husband that I was going to make Oatmeal with Eggnog he, not so politely I might add, told me that he did not want his Oatmeal made with Eggnog.  My bad for telling him about it first instead of waiting until he tried it.

So I asked her to change my title to an Eggnog SourDough Bread Pudding. Well, like I said, this is a busy time of year and I never got around to making that loaf of sourdough.  But I was relaxing one evening, binging on The Bear, and Frank asked me if he could get me anything.  I told him I needed a recipe using eggnog and asked him to concoct a cocktail with the reminder that it had to be new and not one I had posted in the past.

Eggnog White Russian pin

You will find additional Eggnog Drinks, including how to make Homemade Eggnog, in the recipe box below.  

In addition to the fun recipes shared above by my Sunday Funday Blogging Friends, you may also want to check out some other recipes I have shared for using up that Holiday Eggnog.

Eggnog Ice Cream

Eggnog Bundt Cake

French Toast Casserole

However you decide to enjoy your Eggnog I want to wish you a very Happy Holiday Season.  I am off to enjoy Christmas Eve Brunch with our daughter, Marissa's Aunt, Uncle, and Brother followed by a visit to Frank's brother's home for a Klik family gathering.  

Merry Christmas!!!

Yield: 1 cocktail
Author: Wendy Klik
Eggnog White Russian

Eggnog White Russian

Enjoy this Holiday twist on a classic cocktail by using Eggnog in place of the cream in your White Russian.
Prep time: 2 MinTotal time: 2 Min


  • 1 jigger Vanilla Vodka
  • 2 jiggers Coffee Liqueur
  • Eggnog
  • Ice
  • Nutmeg, if desired


  1. Fill a rock glass with ice.
  2. Combine the vodka and coffee liqueur in a shaker and shake to combine. Pour over the ice.
  3. Top with Eggnog and a sprinkle of freshly grated nutmeg, if desired.
  4. Serve with a stirrer so the recipient can mix the ingredients.


  1. Wendy, I'm glad y'all finally settled on a recipe that you both could be happy with. And, I'm excited to try this one out. I don't love coffee but I do love coffee-flavored drinks and this one sounds heavenly! Thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays!!!

  2. I'm definitely trying out this Eggnog White Russian. Cheers and Happy Holidays Wendy to you and your family.

  3. Merry Christmas to you! Tell Frank I love his concoction and plan to enjoy one tomorrow!

  4. Wow! that's a delicious drink with eggnog, must try this!


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