
Saturday, January 7, 2023

Saying Goodbye to Christmas and the Weekly Menu

Well, we aren't officially saying Goodbye to Christmas until tomorrow.  Today we are celebrating Orthodox Christmas as they do in Russia.  Our Marina is hosting a final Christmas gathering today. 

Orthodox Christmas
image courtesy of Google
I learned this doing a Google Search:
Orthodox Christmas day occurs every January 7 because the Orthodox Church still chooses to celebrate the birth of Jesus as per the Julian calendar. The Gregorian calendar that is currently in use today led to a new Christmas Day on December 25 due to the addition of new elements that changed the calendar year.

I'm excited to add a new tradition to our Christmas Season and to share it with you.  Marina is going to be making traditional Russian foods for the celebration. 

Tomorrow we will start taking down the Christmas decorations.  The next celebration we will enjoy as a family is Chinese New Year on February 5th.  That will be followed by our daughter Nicole's birthday celebration and Valentine Day.

But I am getting way ahead of myself it is still only January and we need to eat this week LOL.  Franks and I leave for California on Friday.  I am very excited to see my brother and his family.  It has been nearly 3 years since we were last together.

Saturday-Orthodox Christmas
Crab Dip and Crackers
Dinner by Marina
Holy Cow Chocolate Pie

Sunday Supper
Mashed Potatoes

Meatless Monday

Taco Tuesday
Leftover Meatloaf Tacos



Friday-Heading to California

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