
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Woolworth Cheeseburger and a Book Review

 I have been listening to The City by Dean Koontz during my morning walks. The only problem with listening to Koontz books, for me, is that my walks end to soon and then I have to wait until the following day to resume the story.  

The City by Dean Koontz

This story is told by the adult Jonah Kirk, a musical prodigy as he recounts the story of his life growing up as a young black man in the city.  Jonah is surrounded by mostly good and wonderful people but unfortunately, his father is not one of them and he stumbles upon a plan made by his father and group of anarchists who are about to unleash a terrible turn of events.

Jonah has many who are helping him as he searches for a way to thwart these attempts and protect his loving but hardworking mother who works at the Woolworth diner during the day and as a club singer during the night.  

Any free time is spent with Jonah and, occasionally, she takes him to the diner where she gets a discout on the meal.

We get to know and  love several of Jonah's neighbors, his grandfather and those he considers allies and friends.  We also get to know those who wreak havoc in Jonah's life.  

This is the first in a series and I am anxious to read or listen to the others. However, I am only able to find a prequel so I will have to wait for Koontz to be inspired to write the next book of the series.  I am hoping that when they are written I can find them in audible and that the same  narrator, Korey Jackson, is used. He does a remarkable job.

This novel is set in the 60's when I, too, was growing up and right around Jonah's age.  We had a Woolworths in the shopping area near our house and I remember sitting at the counter with my mom enjoying a special lunch out, just the two of us.

Old English Cheese

I found this Woolworth's menu during a google search and decided to replicate the cheeseburger for dinner one night.  What made this cheeseburger different from any other cheeseburger?  Kraft Old English Cheese Spread and Coleslaw.  

Woolworth Cheeseburger

I thoroughly enjoyed the novel and the recipe as well as the happy memories it evoked.  I am sharing this review over at Foodies Read where we link up with the books others are reading this month.

Entrees, Hamburgers, Cheese, Coleslaw

Entrees, Beef
Yield: 1 serving
Author: Wendy Klik
Woolworth Cheeseburger

Woolworth Cheeseburger

1/4 lb Burger served on a Toasted Bun with Old English Cheese and Cole Slaw.
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 10 MinTotal time: 15 Min


  • 1/4 pound ground beef patty
  • 1 hamburger bun
  • 1 T. Old English Cheese Spread
  • 2 T. coleslaw


  1. Grill hamburger over high heat to desired temperature.
  2. Place the hambuger bun, cut side down on the grill to toast, about 1 minute.
  3. Place the hamburger patty onto the bottom bun.
  4. Spread the cheese onto the top bun.
  5. Place the coleslaw on top of the hamburger patty.
  6. Add top bun and serve.


Inspired by the description on a Woolworth menu.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)



  1. I ate at Woolworths often and at K-Mart and People's (now CVS), Many delicious items sold at the counters. I have a jar of Old English cheese spread in the pantry as I type. Yum !
    My mother and I would go to K-Mart and get their Apple Dumpling with the delicious white sauce. A good friend of mine we would go when in high school to People's (now CVS), and she would get egg salad sandwich and I would get tuna salad sandwich. There used to be so many wonderful places to get counter seating food or cafeteria style food.

    1. I don't think we had People's however we do have CVS. We ate at Kmart whenever my Mom and I would be out shopping there. I used to love their subs. But my very favorite treat was Sanders Fountain Shops for a hot fudge cream puff.


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