
Saturday, June 19, 2021

Corn Chowder #SoupSaturdaySwappers #RecipeRedo

 As soon as fresh corn is available my husband buys a case and has me put up corn chowder for the winter.  There is nothing more delicious than fresh corn chowder and this recipe freezes beautifully so that you can enjoy it all year long.

Corn Chowder

The Soup Saturday Swappers are posting Dad's Favorite Soups in honor of all Dads everywhere.......

Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla is hosting this month and since Father's Day is tomorrow she asked us to share a favorite soup from one of the Fathers in our life.  I decided to honor my husband, one of the best Dad's I know.  Let's see who the others have chosen to honor and what their favorite soups are........
Corn Chowder pin

My Pop's favorite soup was Garbage as my parents called it or Clean the Refrigerator Soup as I call it in the post I shared earlier this year.  Since I had shared it so recently I decided to go with one of my husband's favorite soups.  He has many, all of which I have shared.  His mother's Mushroom Soup  is made every holiday season.  

He loves Chili and we have it in one version or another at least once a month during the cold months.  I need to redo that recipe as well because it, like the original post for this chowder, was written in 2013 and soon the printable version of the recipe will not be available to my readers due to changes in the blogger format.

Chicken Noodle Soup is also one of his favorite and also in need of a redo as it, too, was published on this blog in 2013. Frank has taken over the chicken soup making in this house but still follows my recipe.

I decided to redo his favorite seasonal soup, Corn Chowder.  While it is not quite corn season here in Michigan right yet, I had to use frozen corn for this batch that I made up for a Meatless Monday meal.

Soup, Chowder, Vegetarian, Meatless, Corn, Potatoes
Yield: 4 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
Corn Chowder

Corn Chowder

As soon as fresh corn is available my husband buys a case and has me put up corn chowder for the winter. There is nothing more delicious than fresh corn chowder and this recipe freezes beautifully so that you can enjoy it all year long.
Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 30 MinTotal time: 45 Min


  • 2 T. unsalted butter
  • 1 med onion, quartered
  • 1 stalk celery, halved
  • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded
  • 4 small new potatoes, diced
  • 1 c. water
  • 5 cobs fresh sweet corn
  • freshly ground pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 cup evaporated milk ( I use low-fat)
  • salt to taste


  1. Place onion, celery and pepper in food processor and pulse until finely chopped. Melt butter in saucepan over medium low heat, add chopped vegetables and cook for about 5 minutes. To the same pan add the potatoes and water. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
  2. While potatoes are simmering, remove corn from cobs ( you should have about 4 cups). Add corn and spices to the potatoes, cover and simmer 10 min. longer.
  3. Using a food processer or blender, puree half the solids with some of the soups own liquid. Return to pan. (I use a stick blender and puree right in the pot). Add the milk and heat gently.


Adapted from Maine Ingredients Cookbook

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)

Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. Happy Fathers' Day to Frank! And what a great soup to celebrate. Thanks for joining me. I will have to go back and explore all of your soups, especially the mushroom soup as that is one of MY favorites.

    1. In my humble opinion, my mil's mushroom soup is the very best...but perhaps that was all the love she put into it.

  2. This sounds delicious. How nice that you can freeze it and enjoy it all year long! Happy father's day to Frank!

    1. It is Karen and it is just as good after 6 mos. as it was fresh.

  3. Mmmmm, this sounds wonderful! I would love a bowl of this soup!

  4. Corn chowder is my favorite one and love the flavor profile of your soup and its simplicity. Delicious!


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