
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Mushroom and Boursin Cheese Omelet because Paris Never Leaves You

 I won a book in a raffle offered by The Book Club Cookbook last month.   I love this group, they offer numerous giveaways each month of many different genre of books.  Historical fiction is one of my genres of choice so each month I enter and quite often I get sent a copy of the book they are profiling.

Paris Never Leaves You

This time I wond Paris Never Leaves You by Ellen Feldman.......
This is the first novel I have read by Ellen Feldman though she has written many over the years. This novel alternates between Paris during WWII where Charlotte survives the Nazi invasion while working in a bookstore with her infant daughter Vivi, whose father was killed in the war and New York in the 1950's where Charlotte is working in a publishing house while continuing to raise Vivi who is now a teenager.

Charlotte, who came to America along with numerous other Jewish people who were freed from concentration camps, has survivors remorse.  Charlotte did what she had to do to survive the war but will she be able to forgive herself and and start living again?

I enjoyed this novel, it didn't spend too much time on the historical aspect of France in WWII nor New York in the 50's but it did make you think about the people who survived and how they dealt with that survival when so many that they loved did not.

Mushroom and Boursin Cheese Omelet with wine

There is quite a bit of food reference in the novel, from the lack of food in Paris during the war to the abundance of food served at publishing events in New York.  But one food reference particularly stayed with me.  Vivi was going to a friend's home for dinner, she was very happy about that because they served "normal" foods like casseroles and hamburgers.  Unlike her mother who would serve omelets to Vivi's friends when they were over for dinner.  Vivi would be embarrassed that omelets were dinner as she watched her friends push the mushrooms to the side of their plate.

I was inspired to make Frank and I a mushroom omelet for dinner that we paired with a bottle of Chateau La Hargue Bordeaux that I received as a sponsor gift for our #Winophiles group this month.  I will be sharing my thoughts on this pairing and the wine in a post and on twitter chat later this month, so stay tuned for that.

I am sharing this book review over at Foodie's Read. Stop by and see what everyone is reading this month.

Eggs, Meatless Entrees, French Food, Breakfast, Brunch, Brinner, Mushrooms, Boursin Cheese
Eggs, Meatless Entrees
Yield: 1 serving
Author: Wendy Klik
Boursin Cheese and Mushroom Omelet

Boursin Cheese and Mushroom Omelet

Tender eggs folded around sauteed mushrooms and shallot and chive flecked Boursin cheese. Perfect for any meal of the day.
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 10 MinTotal time: 15 Min


  • 2 t. butter
  • 4 oz. sliced mushrooms
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 t. cold water
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 t. butter
  • 1/2 oz. boursin cheese, (I used chive and shallot flavor)


  1. Melt the 2 teaspoons of butter in a small skillet over med high heat.  Add the mushrooms, season with salt and pepper,  and cook, stirring occasionally until tender and slightly browned.  Remove to a plate and set aside.
  2. Whisk together the eggs, water and salt and pepper in a small bowl.  Melt 1 t. of butter in the skillet over med heat.  Add the whisked eggs and tilt and swirl the pan, lifting the edges of the omelet and allowing the eggs to run underneath until set.  Sprinkle the cheese over half of the omelet.  Divide the mushrooms and place half over the cheese on half of the omelet.  Gently slide the omelet onto a plate, tilting to fold the omelet in half topping the filled side with the bare side.



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)

Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. Fun! I got a book from them recently, but don't think it was this one though it did have 'Paris' in the title. We should swap when I'm done.

    1. The one I got was Natasha Lester’s THE PARIS SECRET.

    2. Amy has it right now. When she is done I will send it. I also got The Black Swan of Paris. I haven't started it yet.

    3. It must have been a Paris kind of month LOL


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