
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Magical Weekend and the Weekly Menu

We have an amazing weekend coming up.  This afternoon we are headed to the Fox Theater for the Rodgers and Hammerstein version of Cinderella starring Leslie Ann Warren.  Readers who are of my generation might remember watching this version as children.  I think it came on just once a year and I looked forward to it along with the yearly airing of Wizard of Oz and Heidi. 

Image result for rodgers and hammerstein's cinderella

For my readers of a younger generation you read correctly.  When your parents and I were young there were no movie channels or wifi or on demand.  We would wait all year long to rewatch our favorite movies and if you missed them.....well, you waited another year.

I'm anxious to share this version of Cinderella with the Angel Face.  The Teen is very excited and she is bringing along 2 of her friends, both of whom have never been to a live stage play.  John and Kirsten will be joining us and we will go out for dinner following the play.

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Tomorrow morning we have Mass immediately followed by Marissa's confirmation class.  This session requires the parents to attend as well.  After class we are heading to a Hogwarts Homecoming held at the Canterbury Castle about an hour from our home.  

I have no idea what to expect but it sounds like fun and the Teen is a huge Potter fan so I think she is going to love it.  John and Kirsten are joining us for this as well.  Dinner is included in the ticket package.

We also received some Magical news this past week.  The Teen will become legally and officially ours on April 12th!!  We are very excited and planning a Gotcha Gathering so stay tuned for more on that.

The rest of the week is filled with duties and obligations.  The teen returns to school and life returns to normal.  I went in for my annual physical last week and this week have a battery of tests scheduled.  Colonoscopy on Tuesday.  Mammogram on Wednesday. Marissa's first track meet of the season is Wednesday so a slow cooker dinner will be the way to go.  

The Fish Fry keeps us busy all day Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Friday is a half day for Marissa and then there is a track meet about an hour from our house starting at 1:30.  I won't be able to attend due to my obligation with the Fish Fry so Frank will attend and keep me updated on how she's doing.

So here is how I'm feeding us during this hectic week.  If you haven't done so yet, please schedule your yearly physical and any necessary testing for your age group.  You are so worth it!!!

Out for dinner after Cinderella

Dinner at Hogwarts Homecoming

Meatless Mexican Monday
Vegetarian Enchiladas

Fish and Tots (moved from last week)

Mexican Brinner Casserole

Lemon Chicken
Spring Vegetable Gratin

Fish Fry at Church


  1. I sooo remember waiting for Cinderella every year! Enjoy!

    1. We did enjoy it Inger. They changed it up a bit, added some humor, it was fun.


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