
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Eggs in Hashbrown Nests #RecipeRedo

Way back in December of 2013 I shared our brunch celebrating the 4th Day of Christmas.  We had a Mimosa Bar and I served up Oatmeal, Cinnamon Apple Pie Bread, Banana Bread, Tropical Fruit Salad, Ham Steaks and Eggs in Hashbrown Nests that I took from a Pioneer Woman Cookbook that I had received for Christmas that year.  I linked to the original recipe and left it at that with a very horrid photo....Please remember that this was my first year of blogging and I had a lot to learn.

I can't believe I even posted this photo.  It is the saddest thing LOL.  At least it was before I started tagging my blog name onto my photos.  I didn't pin it to Pinterest.  I wasn't yet doing Instagram or Twitter.  I only had about 5 followers so not too many people saw this.....until today, when I'm splashing it all over this post....Haha.....

Now, I know that Ree says she tried this with Frozen Hash Browns and was very disappointed. Then she tried them with raw grated potatoes and claims that was a disaster.  Ree recommends using grated baked potatoes and I did that in this first rendition.  They were very good and everyone loved them. This would be a great way to use leftover baked potatoes or to do a planned leftover meal and bake some extra potatoes just for this dish.

When I was making the Redo for this post, I used the Simply Potatoes Hashbrowns that you find in the dairy case at your local grocer.  This is not a sponsored post but I do love the ease of using those potatoes when I don't feel like taking the time and/or energy to grate my own.

They worked perfectly for this dish and I am happy to share these photos and my adapted recipe with you today.  

This is so easy that it is barely even a recipe, especially if you use the shortcut of purchased hashbrowns.

You simply spray a muffin pan, liberally with cooking spray.  Make a nest of the potatoes, season, spray again with cooking spray and bake until they shrink and get crisp on the outsides.

Break an egg into each nest.  If you want your yolk hard cooked, break it before putting it back into the oven.

Bake the eggs for another 10 minutes.  I wanted some runny and some hard cooked so I broke a couple of yolks.  If you want them all hard cooked, you need not break them but let them bake for 13-15 minutes until your desired degree of doneness is reached.

They make an adorable presentation.  They slip right out of the muffin tin and onto a platter.  Sometimes I make these nests but instead of slipping a whole egg inside, I scramble the eggs and add cheese and/or meat to the mixture, before adding it to the nests.  I will share that with you another day.

Our Little Miss likes her yolks hard so that she can pick up the nests and eat them like a muffin.

I like mine with the yolks runny so that I can mix it all together with the potatoes and scoop it onto toast.

You can make this recipe to feed as many as you like.  Plan on 2 or 3 per person.  Even our Toddler eats 2 of them.  I only made 6 this time as there were only 3 of us.  I have potatoes left that I could use for another morning or turn into a cheesy casserole for with dinner but I think these are destined to become soup.  Stay tuned for that recipe.

Thanks to Ellen, of Family Around the Table, for suggesting this blog redo event and giving me an opportunity to rectify this sad, sad original post LOL  I look forward to the next redo....I have a lot of early posts that need help!!  

Eggs in Hashbrown Nests
adapted from The Pioneer Woman

1 pkg. Shredded Hash Browns from the Dairy Case
1 egg for each nest that you are making
Cooking Spray

Spray your desired size muffin tin liberally with cooking spray.  Place 1/4 c. hashbrowns into each muffin cup and press it into the bottoms and up the sides, creating a nest.  Season to taste with salt and pepper, and spray liberally with cooking spray.  Place in a preheated 425* oven for 20-25 minutes, until shrunk and crisped on the tops and outside.

Remove from oven and break one egg into each cup.  Break yolks for any that you wish hard cooked. Season to taste with salt and pepper and return to the oven for 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and slide a knife around each muffin cup and then under the potatoes to lift each cup to a platter for serving.  Print Recipe


  1. Those bagged "fresh" hashbrowns are the best invention. (I've posted worse photos--LOL)!

  2. These sound delicious Wendy! I've never seen these hash browns. I'll have to hunt them down.

  3. So glad you got a redo finally and thanks for sharing the original photo...aren't you brave!!! I went back and replaced all of my old ones with the new ones. I'm sure there will still be a few floating out there on Pinterest but I can deal with that! These eggs look super yummy Wendy!

    1. I don't have time for all that mess...I guess I just don't care enough LOL....I am happy to let people go back and see how I have grown as a blogger over the years.

  4. I love how they really look like little nests. I love breakfast food and can't wait to make these with some of my mom's farm fresh eggs! <3

    1. Don't you just love having fresh eggs Carlee? I am so used to the eggs from my hens that I seldom order eggs out because they are tasteless to me.

  5. I have some eggs from a friend's hens. I might just have to do something like this soon. LOL on the old photo. We've come a long way, Baby!

  6. I love the look of these. They would be so cute on a brunch table!

  7. I like your twist with using scrambled eggs. Either way, they sound delicious, Wendy, and perfect for brunch.

  8. Isn't it horrific to look back at first photos? I cringe every time I look back at mine!
    I used to see this sort of egg recipe around and kinda forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder - I need to finally try it!


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