
Saturday, January 27, 2018

Chocolate Mug Cake #ChocolateCakeDay

Did you know that there is a day set aside to celebrate Chocolate Cake?  My friend, Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla did and invited us all to bring a chocolate cake to this virtual party.

Now, I'm still detoxing from all the junk food I ate starting at Halloween and going right through the 12 days of Christmas.  I hate missing a party though so I found a great solution.  An individual little cake mixed and baked right in a mug.

This easy peasy recipe comes from Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman.  It gets mixed up and cooked up in the microwave in the same mug.  The entire process from start to finish takes about 15 minutes.

It's so easy that a toddler can pretty much do it themselves. They may need some help with the microwave though.  I love that my toddler can now identify my utensils by size.  I can ask for a Tablespoon and she knows exactly which to grab.

But the toddlers favorite part of the job was scooping some out and holding it so Grammy could take a photo.

Well, not really, her very favorite part was tasting the cake.  She pronounced it "very delicious" and offered me a bite.  I declared it very delicious as well.  I was kind of surprised.  I have never made a cake in the microwave before and wasn't sure it would turn out as wonderfully moist and tasty as it did.

One more bite and then she took the mug, asked for help off the counter and went to find Grampy so he could taste it.  The next time I saw the mug was when it was ready to be washed....such is the life of a Grammy.

Chocolate Mug Cake
slightly adapted from Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman

3 T. flour
3 T. sugar
2 T. cocoa powder
1/4 t. baking powder
pinch of salt
3 T. milk
3 T. olive oil
1/4 t. vanilla
3 T. mini chocolate chips

Place the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt into a 12 oz. mug.  Stir with a fork to blend.  Add the milk, oil and vanilla.  Stir until combined.  Stir in the chocolate chips.

Microwave on high for 90 seconds.  Let cool for about 5 minutes before eating.  Print Recipe

More Chocolate Cakes


  1. I've long been intrigued by mug cakes. I don't own a microwave, but maybe I can make my office smell like soon as February gets here.

  2. This looks wonderful and I love that it is a little treat without having a bunch of tempting leftovers sitting around.

  3. What a perfect way to satisfy the craving without making way to much! I can't wait to try this!

  4. Such a perfect way to satisfy a craving without having a whole cake on hand!

    1. I know, Amy, but this is so easy to put together that you find yourself in danger of just making it anytime that sweet tooth starts calling.


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