
Friday, December 4, 2015

Kolatczki for #IntnlCookies

Welcome to the International Cookie Exchange hosted by Sarah from Curious Cuisiniere and Camilla from Culinary Adventures with Camilla.

Today a group of cookie-loving food bloggers is sharing recipes for cookies from around the globe. Get ready to break out your mixing bowl, because these recipes are sure to inspire you to fill your cookie jar with cultural treats!

I was very excited to join this group.  I love learning of other cultures through food and there is a plethora of knowledge and great recipes out there in the blogging world.  I am happy to be a part of it.  I wanted to make one of my favorite cookies that originated in Poland.  They are a cream cheese butter cookie wrapped around fruit jam and/or ground nuts.  They are absolutely melt in your mouth delicious.  I had never had them prior to marrying my husband but the minute I did I proclaimed them my favorite cookie in the whole wide world.

As much as I love them I have never made them before.  I had always bought them from Frank's sister's bakery that she owned with her husband, Ron.  They sold the bakery a few years ago but they still go to their supplier at Christmas time and have them at the house so that is how I would get my "fix".

This cookie exchange gave me the perfect reason to try to make these cookies myself.  Let me tell you cookies.....they are awesomely delicious.  Melt in your mouth perfection! The dough is not sweet but buttery and rich.  When paired with the jam and sprinkled with some powdered sugar they are exquisite.

I had a jar of Michigan Cherry Almond Butter that was perfect for these cookies.

Having never made these cookies, I asked Ciocia Irene for the recipe and she said "Oh, just use my cream cheese cookies, put jam on then and fold the dough over the jam.  So I did.

I cut the dough into rounds, filled them with the cherry almond butter and wrapped the dough over.

And this is how the first batch turned out.  
They were still delicious but pretty homely.
So I tried again, using less jam and an egg wash, but still cutting the dough into rounds.
This time a few of them remained shut but most turned out like this.
I sprinkled them with powdered sugar and we feasted.

The next batch, I cut the dough into squares, used even less jam and more egg wash.
While not bakery quality at least they resemble Kolaczki.

So I ended up with a dozen that were presentable but better than that I now have the hang of it.
Practice makes perfect so I am going to practice some more before Christmas.
I hope I don't mess up too many of them.....I won't have any clothes left that fit come Christmas day.


8 oz. cream cheese, softened
2 sticks butter, softened
2 1/4 c. flour
1 egg white, whisked frothy for sealing edges
Your favorite jam

In large bowl of stand mixer, fitted with paddle attachment, cream together the butter and cream cheese until light and fluffy.  Gradually add the flour using the lowest speed on the mixer until a soft dough ball has formed.  Remove dough from bowl, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

Place a piece of parchment paper on your work surface.  Working in small batches, place some of the dough onto the parchment and allow to sit for a minute or two, until pliable then cover with another piece of parchment and roll out to about 1/4"  thickness.  Cut into squares approx. 2".  Place on a parchment lined baking sheet so they are sitting as a diamond shape.  Spoon a small amount of jam into the center of the diamond.  Fold the opposite sides over the jam and seal with an egg wash.  

Bake in a preheated 350* oven for 12-15 minutes.  Remove from hot pan to rack and allow to cool before sprinkling with powdered sugar.  Print Recipe

Here's the #IntnlCookies Tray...
listed in alphabetical order of the cookies' country of origin
You can follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #IntnlCookies, and you can find these great recipes and more cookies from around the world on the International Cookie Exchange Pinterest Board .


  1. Your Kolatczki turned out beautifully! Thanks for sharing your trials with getting them to hold their shape. I would totally have filled them too much the first few go-arounds too. So, now I know the trick! Thanks for joining the cookie party!

    1. Thanks Sarah. I'm anxious to make them again now that I have some experience.

  2. I thought about making these until I saw you were, yours have turned out so pretty, I must give them a try!

    1. Thanks Caroline, I hope all my trials and tribulations make your experience easier.

  3. I've been wanting to try these cookies! One of my favorite cookbooks, Cookie Love, has several recipes for this and others using the cream cheese base and I've been dying to try all these variations. Your tips will be tremendously helpful for when I try them!!!

    1. Have fun Renee. Even if they don't turn out beautiful you can't go wrong because they are sooooooo tasty.

  4. I have never heard of these, but I will definitely give them a try. Thanks for sharing the recipe, Wendy! Happy baking.

  5. Wendy! I would love to have these right here and devour dozens of them! thank you for sharing this recipe!

    1. Thanks, they certainly are hard not to devour by the dozens.

  6. Hey, you got more to stay together than my mom and I did! Must be the egg white wash, we didn't do that!

    1. Lauren, I really slathered on the egg wash for that last batch hoping for some decent pics. I am anxious to do these again and try to perfect the recipe.

  7. Yum! That cherry almond butter sounds amazing. Even though some didn't stay, they still look delicious.


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