
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Preparing for the first Christmas gathering of the season

We are having Frank's office party here on Saturday so we have started decorating much earlier than normal this year.  Luckily we had some help.

And look at what a fabulous job we did with our little Miss helping us along!

The main floor is completely decorated now.  We will be working on the basement this afternoon before choir and finishing it up tomorrow evening.  Saturday will be spent preparing for the party.

I decided on my menu this morning and wanted to share this post with you before hitting the shower and doing the shopping for it.  I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend planned as well. 


  1. The tree is beautiful. And your little helper is adorable. I love your menu. Hope you have a marvelous party!!

    1. Thanks, they are a great group and this will be the last holiday we share with all of them since Frank is retiring in February.

  2. I agree with Paula, 100 %!! :) Will try to get out that way before Christmas.

    1. Oh I hope so Karen. Our Advent Concert is the 20th, come and watch us and afterwards we will grab Kirsten and John and go to dinner.


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