
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Random Ramblings

It's been a while since I updated what is going on around here on the farm.  It seems like recipes and food clubs take up the majority of my blogging time.  Of course, I am sure that these ramblings will contain food info and club info because they seem to be a big part of my life right now.

So where to start.....
  • We flew up north Sunday to help Spencer celebrate turning 13.  It is hard to believe my little guy is 13 already.  We also made plans for him to come and stay for a couple of weeks next month so that he can have his Scuba Lessons.  That is our birthday gift to him.

It takes an hour and a half flying as opposed to 5 hrs driving.
That meant a shortened nap for me LOL.

  • Since we weren't here on Father's Day we have Amy and Doug coming over for dinner tonight. We will also be celebrating Kirsten's birthday.  Ting and Melody will be here too so Amy and Kirsten can get their Little Miss fix.  This, of course, means that my Weekly Menu has been updated and changed as well.  I also updated it for Friday since Kim and Kurt are coming for dinner and he is a Meat and Potato kind of guy.  
  • For those of you who are not regulars to my blog you can see who I am talking about by going to the Cast of Characters.
  • Yesterday, for some reason, while doing laundry the laundry soap fell off of the washing machine and spilled all over the floor.  Our laundry area is in the attached garage.  Frank was going out to the garage for something and stepped into the soap.  He fell a TON!!!  He is one sore guy.  Thankfully nothing was broken but the small of his back came right down onto the step.  He is really hurting!
  • Stopped and saw Mom yesterday.  She was making a necklace.  I should have taken a photo! She no longer has any idea who I am.  Most of the time I am just someone who works there. But she is happy as a lark so I am happy too.
  • I picked up my first CSA basket on Saturday.  It will be put to good use this week when we entertain.
  • The pups had their last vet visit and don't need to return for a year.  They each gained about 10 lbs this month.  They are getting big, the chicks are getting big, the flowers are blooming, the pool is open, the storms are over and life is good.
  • I will be stopping at the library today to pick up a book for another new club I have joined called The Bookclub Cookbook Cooking Crew,
That's it.  You are all updated and know exactly what is and has been going on in my life here on the farm.  I will be posting my Cook the Books recipe later today so that I can serve it tonight along with the Gooey Butter Bars I made last night from my Food n Flix club.


  1. Love the picture of you napping on the plane. Glad you got to visit the family! Sounds like things are busy at your house. The pups and the chickens are growing. What, no pigs!! I hated to hear about Frank falling. I hope he is better soon. He has to take it easy and let those bumps and bruises heal! Make him rest with a nice cool cocktail in his hand!

    1. Things are always busy at our house it seems. MY brother, sister in law and great nephew arrive next week for a month and then Spence arrives for 2 weeks shortly thereafter so it will be a full house. The pigs should arrive at the end of the month or beginning of July. Frank is pretty sore but trying to make him take it easy is like trying to make water run uphill.

    2. That is exactly the way Richard was. Must be a man thing!


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