
Saturday, February 14, 2015

#WinePW....Let's talk Romance

This month's theme for our Wine Pairing Weekend is Romance.  This was an easy one for me.

When Frank and I are feeling romantic our go to wine is Cabernet Sauvignon from Caymus Vineyards.  We first had a bottle of Caymus on our first wedding anniversary and have had it each year since.   Many of our friends and family know this about us and we were lucky enough to be in posession of 2 bottles.  I decided for this #WinePW, where the theme was romance to crack open the 2010 vintage that we were given as a gift.

I served this wine as part of a date night dinner that I made for an event called #TripleSBites.  This event was hosted by Cam of Culinary Adventures of Camilla.  Yep, that's right, the same person that is now hosting this event.  She is unstoppable and amazing!!

Shown here with the wine is Filet Mignon with Zip Sauce,  Potato and Fennel Gratin and Roasted Asparagus Spears.  It was a perfect wine for this meal.  I have to say that of all the wine I have had....and I have had a lot....Caymus is still my very favorite.  It is a wine that we only have as a luxury due to the expense but perhaps that is what makes it so very special.  

You know what they say....Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Be sure to check out what my fellow bloggers have come up with for the February Wine Pairing Weekend!
* This post contains affiliate links. Should you choose to purchase an item using these links I will receive a small stipend.


  1. What a great, romantic tradition! And what a fabulous wine to uncork on each anniversary. Thanks for playing along with #WinePW this month, Wendy. Cheers!

  2. Love traditions, especially one that involves wine!

  3. What a delightful meal! I love wines that have a special significance!

  4. A great post. Who doesn't love romance? Happy Valentines Day Wendy. Happy that you are still in Paradise

  5. Delightful pairing. Think I'll give the Potato and Fennel Gratin a try, sounds delicious and versatile! Cheers Wendy!

  6. Hearty red with Filet Mignon perfect! That zip sauce recipe looks intriguing. Must try. A truly delicious and romantic pairing. Thank you.

  7. It is good to have generous friends who know your taste!

  8. You had me at Caymus and Filet Mignon! My kinda romance!


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