
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Another Sponsor Gift for #TripleSBites

Today I received a bottle of Spiced Fig Not Ketchup.  For those of you who are not familiar with Not Ketchup let's play catch-up.  (See what I did there?, pretty clever huh?).

I first discovered Not Ketchup back in September when I joined #10DaysofTailgate which they helped sponsor.  They were the first sponsor to send me a product and I was tickled with the Cherry Chipotle Not Ketchup that I received.  I have made several recipes with the Cherry Chipotle recipe including pretzel dogs, baked beans, wings, sloppy joes and most recently, turkey meatloaf.

I am very excited to try this new flavor and my mind is swirling with the possibilities.  We have nearly a month to play with our recipes tweaking and perfecting them. I think our readers are going to be very pleased with the results.

Along with the Spiced Fig Not Ketchup, Erika included a handwritten note and 2 recipes that sound absolutely phenomenol.

Woohooooo I am getting so excited!!!


  1. Sounds good! I would love to try the spiced fig! Can't wait to see what you make with it. :-)

    1. Me too....I don't have a clue right now but lots and lots of thoughts.

  2. I can't wait to see either! I really love the Spiced Fig with steak, pork tenderloin, or anything lamb. Lamb burgers? Lamb chops?

    1. Thanks again Erika. I will keep you posted and thanks for the lamb kebab recipe, it sounds delicious!!

  3. I LOVE NOT KETCHUP!! :D Can't wait to finalize my game plan - I need to get busy, it's almost February!!

    1. I know Rebekah. I am having a date night with hubby next Friday and I am making all my recipes as well as serving the wine for my #WinePW post.


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