
Monday, October 27, 2014

Salmon with Dill Sauce for the Secret Recipe Club

Hey all,  It is once again Reveal Day for Secret Recipe Club.  This is a great club where you are assigned a blogger each month and another blogger is assigned your blog.  You sneak around the assigned blog, learn all about the other blogger, peruse all their recipes and choose one to replicate.
On reveal day, everyone shares who they were assigned, a little bit about the person and the recipe that they chose. The link above will take you to the instructions and allow you to apply to join us.

This month, I was excited to be assigned Dena of "Oh, You Cook".  Dena is a librarian who blogs some tremendous recipes.  She is good!!  She is so good that she actually has a cookbook that is published and sold by Amazon!

Dena has all her recipes sorted by category which is wonderful to use.  I found several recipes that were calling to me and I plan to make the Majadura soup and Osso Buco in the near future.  But I was looking for a Fish Friday recipe using some Salmon Fillets I had in the freezer and I hit the jackpot with her Salmon with Dill Sauce.

I loved the idea of a Dill Sauce instead of a Tartar Sauce for the fish.  Dena was trying to replicate the flavors of a Fish Taco with this recipe and I love fish tacos!  I did not have any limes so I skipped the marinating of the fish in lime juice but other than that I stuck pretty true to the recipe. Oh and I had no red onion so I substituted sweet onion.

I served my fish with a Vegetable Rice Pilaf that I am sharing in a separate post so as to not take any attention away from this marvelous recipe by Oh, You Cook.

What first attracted me to this recipe was the Dill Sauce.

It was bright and lovely.

These are Salmon Fillets from Northern Michigan that our friend, Kurt, caught in the Spring and generously shared with us.

I broiled these fillets for about 8 minutes and they were perfect.

What a lovely dinner.
The salmon was just broiled salmon but the sauce...ohhhhh, the sauce.
Thanks Dena for a great recipe that I will use time and again.

Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce
very slightly adapted from Oh You Cook

1 T. chopped dill weed
1 T. dijon mustard
1/2 t. lemon juice
1/2 t. lemon zest
1/4 t. salt
1/2 c. sour cream
kosher salt and coarsely ground pepper to taste
Salmon fillets with skin (1 per person)
4-6 thin slices from a red or sweet onion
1/2 of a small lemon

Whisk together the dill, mustard, lemon juice, lemon zest, salt and sour cream.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Preheat broiler and treat baking pan with olive oil or cover with parchment paper or non stick foil. Place fish skin side down on the pan.  Place the slices of onion around the fish and broil about 6" from the heat for 5-10 minutes depending on the thickness of your fillets.  Remove the onion prior to the fish if they start to brown too much.  Your salmon is done when it flakes with a fork.  Be careful not to over cook it.
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I am also sharing this recipe at the Inspiration Monday Party.


  1. Oh that salmon looks delicious. I had a salmon dish today at Olive Garden that was pretty yummy. I wish we lived where we could get salmon like that

  2. This sauce sounds so creamy and good, I'll have to try it soon.

    1. It was a hit in this household and then I used it on sandwiches the next day.

  3. Salmon and dill go so perfectly together! It is one of our favorite fishes, and we have it probably once a week. I should try your sauce to along our salmon

  4. Oh yum!! That looks like such a terrific salmon dish. I don't cook with fish often enough - but I sure love to eat it! :)

    1. I try to have Fish Fridays because otherwise I often overlook fish when making my menus.

  5. Sounds so fancy, yet easy to put together!

  6. Salmon and dill go together oh so well... this sauce really sounds fantastic!

  7. Fish and dill are such a great combination...looks so tasty! Great SRC pick!

  8. Oh, this sounds lovely and your presentation is so nice! My husband loves salmon, so I need to start cooking it more. =)

    1. This is a good recipe to start with Amy....easy, peasy and delicious

  9. Glad you enjoyed the recipe. The dill sauce is so very easy, yet so delicious ... if I do say so myself LOL!

    1. It was Dena. I was very happy with my choice for this month. Thank you.

  10. Salmon is one of my favorite meals. This looks so good and I know my husband would eat up all of that dill sauce.

  11. That dill sauce looks like a perfect accompaniment to roasted salmon!

  12. I love the flavor of dill with salmon. I am definitely trying this. Great choice!

  13. I love salmon - easily my favourite fish. We try to have it once a week in our house, budget permitting, and I'm always looking for new ways to try it. Great pairing with the dill sauce.

    1. Yes it was and you can prepare the salmon any way you want...the dill sauce is the star.

  14. One of my favorite flavor combinations, Salmon and dill~ Great pick~ Lynn

  15. Great choice! I love how you plated this dish.

  16. I haven't ventured into salmon too much yet, but with this sauce, I'm sure I'd love it! Great pick this month :)

  17. I'd have to sub the salmon with another fish, but this sounds perfectly tasty and simple. Lemon and dill are one of my fave combinations for lots of meals.

  18. Looks delicious. My husband would absolutely love this. Great src pick!

  19. Dill and salmon really are a match made in heaven! Lovely SRC choice this month :)


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