
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Oshkosh B'gosh....

We went to Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the Annual Air Show that is sponsored by EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association).  It is a huge deal for Wisconsin!!  There were millions of people flocking to their State to attend this, the biggest air show in the country.  It was huge in size, covering about 2 square miles,  I think we must have walked 20 miles a day.  It was huge in fun with displays and giveaways and activities for people of all ages.  It was huge!!

The first day we spent the morning touching on a bunch of different places that we wanted to see and we also got to take a break for a few minutes while John and Kirsten's son, Michael, conducted his seminar. The afternoon was rainy and cloudy but the scheduled air show (for the most part) went on anyway.  We left after the airshow on Friday and drove back to a restaurant by our hotel.  We were planning on meeting at the pool after dinner but then decided we were too exhausted.  I think I was asleep before 10 pm.

The next day we were at the park from 9 am until 10 pm.  We ate lunch and dinner at the air show and we also attended Mass while we were there.  It was very impressive.  Everyone that was at the Mass participated and sang out their praise with joy.  That is not the norm for Catholic Masses but I think that the people that would take time out of their air show day to go to Mass are the people to whom their time with Christ holds importance and therefore they are more involved in the liturgy.  It made my heart sing!!  The Gospel was the Loaves and Fishes.  Father's homily was about how Christ felt Compassion for His followers.  This especially spoke to me this week as you can see if you read this post.   After Mass and dinner there was a nighttime air show and a fireworks display that was, bar none, the most amazing and awesome firework display I have ever seen in life, on films or on television.  I am posting a video of it for you.

Frank had a total of 1658 photos....unreal!!!  He has gone through them all, deleted the unusable one's and now we are left with about a third of them.  Don't worry, I am not going to share them all.

Mike Lents speaking about the reasons why colleges should promote aerobatics.

My new earrings announcing that I love my Pilot.

The Marines showing off one of their aircraft.

A bombing demonstration by some war birds.

The Thunderbirds demonstrating their precision and skills.

No, this is not photo shopped.

We visited the sea base where more than anything we enjoyed the cool breezes off the water.

Fireworks via Helicopter.

The Grand Finale.

Having been inspired by this trip, I am sharing it at Inspiration Monday.  Stop by and share what is inspiring you this week.


  1. The Hubs and his brother were fascinated with experimental aircraft about ten years ago and they planned a trip to Osh Kosh. They would still love to go even though they aren't still planning on building anything. :)

  2. It is a great time for everyone, whether or not you are a pilot. There is also a lot of history and entertainment going on. They should plan a trip and you should go with them Debra.

  3. Looks like a great time! We have seen a couple of local airshows but nothing this large!

    1. It was really awesome, I am glad we went. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing our trip with us.

  4. Loved the pictures. Especially the one with your new earrings. Richard loved airshows and he would have been very impressed with this one.


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