
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Weekend Wind Up

Friday we got up early and Frank prepared a wonderful breakfast of Sausage Patties and Pancakes. Spence had requested Chocolate Chip Pancakes.  Frank makes these just like the Blueberry Pancakes except he sprinkles them with Mini Chocolate Chips instead of Blueberries.

Frank, of course, does not mix the chocolate into the batter but sprinkles it on just so.

Breakfast was delicious.

Then Frank and Spence went down to Warren to look get a price for the part needed for our pool heater and to see if it made more sense to buy a new one while I stayed home and watched "Like Water for Chocolate" for my Food n Flix challenge this month.  Tune in Wednesday to see what recipe this film inspired me to make.

Here is what Frank and Spence is $1100 for the part to buy it from the store and $1600 for a new heater.  Frank had found the part for $700 on line.  We decided to think on it as this is a big expense coming on top of the baby shower.

Then we went to visit Mom at the Memory Center.  We were going to take her for ice cream but a guitar player arrived shortly after we did and Mom got engrossed in the music so we left.  We got ice cream and then Frank and Spence went shooting with John.  Spence did really well but I cannot figure out how to get the video onto this dang blog.....I have spent hours now trying to figure it out and am just a little FRUSTRATED!!!  Those of you who would like to see my great nephew (almost grandson) shoot perfectly (as he does everything in life) just go look on my facebook page because I am, evidently, computer illiterate!!

After they were done shooting we put the salmon back in the freezer and joined John and Kirsten for Chinese food.  Then they stole Spence from us and took him for a spin in their convertible Mustang.

Saturday we got up early and I got things ready for Frank's shooting class.  He had 10 people so I, once again, just threw together Sloppy Joes because that is an easy meal to make ahead of time and for Frank to serve up to the class.

Spence and I left and met Amy at the Farmer's Market where I bought some nice looking Walleye and Lake Trout Fillets.  I also got 2 hanging plants and a potted impatience for only $12.  It pays, evidently, to not put in flowers until the season is half over.

We left the Farmer's Market and did some shopping and had lunch out.  Then Amy left to go see Mom and Spence and I went to our CSA and to get mulch which was on sale....5 bags for $10 at Kroger and then another discount if you were a loyalty does pay to procrastinate!!!

We got home and put everything away just as Frank's class was finishing up.  Then we went to Lowe's and got a grill for Ting and Tony's housewarming gift.  I should have taken some pics of us trying to fit the box into the car but we were too busy struggling.  It is funny now but not so funny while it was happening.  We finally ended up taking the grill out of the box and putting it into the trunk by pieces.  

Since we were all calm and completely relaxed (not) by now we headed over to our graduation party, which was very nice and gave us an opportunity to breathe before we headed over to Ting and Tony's to put the grill together so they would have it for their housewarming party.  It was a long day....

This morning we were up and at em early once again.  We went to Mass on Harsen's Island after which they had a lovely fellowship breakfast.  Then we drove around so Spence could see what the Island had to offer. We stopped home long enough to water plants, straighten the house and feed the dogs and chickens and then we were off once again.  

Then we went to see Mom and while we were visiting we took a video and when I was going to download the video I figured out how to show you Spence!!!!  YAY!!!  So put Mom on hold for a moment and watch Spence!

Isn't he marvelous.
I love that smile at the end of the video.

Ok, back to Mom.  We were on the way to see Mom before going to Ting and Tony's housewarming.  We had loaded everything up in the car, stopped at the post office and then BAM!!  for absolutely no reason my nose started streaming blood.  All over the car, all over me and my looked like a scene from chainsaw massacre.  Frank pulled over and we stuffed tissues up my nose and then he brought me back home so I could get changed and cleaned up.  Meanwhile, he called Ting to tell her we would be late but she (thankfully) had everything under control.

Once I was back to (semi) normal we headed out again and stopped to see Mom.  Mom said that she had "tons of company" today.  I asked who had stopped by and she said "your sister and her husband and the whole family".  I later learned that my sister had, in fact, stopped by with her husband, son and dog to see Mom.  I was pretty pleased that Mom recollected that but I guess they had just left prior to our arrival.  We had taken Mom a package that had arrived from Mary and Larry in California.

Mom with her package from California.

Mom opening her package.

We then asked Mom if she wanted to go with us to the housewarming party but she thought she better not because her"gang" might need her.  So we kissed her goodnight as she went to play trivia and headed over to Ting and Tony's.

Ting and Tony did a marvelous job.  They had burgers with all the fixings, salad, corn on the cob, chips and watermelon.  It was a lovely day and they made us very proud.  Unfortunately, I did not take any photos while we were there.  When it was time to leave, John and Kirsten, once again, stole Spence from us.  I don't know where they are or what they are doing but I do know Spence is in great hands and I am sure he is having a blast.

I hope your weekend was wonderful as well.  See you all tomorrow.

Ooops, I almost forgot....on the way home tonight Frank decided we should get the pool heater fixed because otherwise it would be a wasted that part was ordered tonight to arrive on Tuesday.


  1. My daughter and I share the freakish, sudden nosebleed thing - no idea why. I guess we really are sisters! Very proud of you for getting those videos into your blog - you're a tech wizard. It seems much easier than it really is!

    1. t is not that hard but I have not done it enough so I forget how. I think I have it now. Open a you tube account, download your video onto that and then you can put it on your blog.


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