
Friday, June 20, 2014

Forget about Friday Flying

I am taking the day off from visiting Mom today.  I don't feel too badly about it because Dawn is planning on taking Teaghyn Lou to see Mom today so I know she will be well entertained.  Perhaps Teaghyn will sing for her.

We are up and at it early today.  We had a local young man, Luke, come and pull out all the trees and bushes from around our gazebo, ordered up some dirt and had him fill in and level the yard in that area and this morning Frank needs to run out and get grass seed so Luke can get the area finished today.

I did not participate in the Photo a Day Challenge yesterday.  The prompt was to take a photo of how you were dressed.  I am not much on selfies so I was going to have Frank take a photo of me when he got home from work but then I got the call from my friend, Michelle, and got busy cooking and delivering food and forgot about the photo.

Today's Photo of the Day Challenge requests another pic of me enjoying my Friday.  Once we get Luke set up we are going to hop in the plane and find somewhere to stop for dinner.  I will have Frank take my photo while we are flying.

So with all that said....I am finishing my coffee and hopping out of bed now.  Stay tuned, I will return after this short scheduled break.

I am back....we did not go flying...the weather is not our friend today.  We did go to lunch and then we stopped by the Anchor Bay Scuba to see our friends Don and Mickey.  While we were there we signed up for the dive trip they have planned in February to St. Eustasius.

That really makes me smile...which brings me back to the Photo a Day Challenge that said "Smile and Say Cheese" it is Friday!!

So I had Frank take my pic with my calendar.
Because I love that calendar and it gives you something to focus on besides me.

Now we are home and just having a lazy kind of day.  It is cloudy and gray and a good day to sit inside and surf the web looking for more information about St. Eustatius, where it will be sunshine and 85* next February when we are there.


  1. You really are the cutest thing! I'm sitting at home (again) while my family is at a baseball game. Mom just isn't travel-ready and certainly isn't alone-ready yet. So I am cooking and blogging and catching up. Making the best of this return to reality!!! Love the picture. I want to know how your calendar works.

    1. There are squares for each month, day, date and little pegs you plug into them each day or once a month or before taking a picture because you haven't changed it in a week and a half LOL.
      I know how hard it is to be a prisoner in your own home. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. Were either of your Mom's husbands veterans that served during war time. There is money available for in home care for widows of veterans.


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