
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Simply Saturday

Yesterday, after my procedure, I slept away most of the day. So our trip to Thailand was canceled and Frank and I went out for dinner with John and Kirsten.  We got home about 8:45 and I was back in bed by 9 pm.  A pretty exciting Friday night around here LOL.

I am feeling wide awake today though which is a good thing because tomorrow I am hosting the Afterglow Party at our church following the organ concert by David Troiano.  We have a beautiful, historic Hook and Hastings Organ at one of our churches in our parish.  It should be a wonderful night.

So today we will get up, straighten the house so Tamie can come and clean.  I thank God for Tamie each and every day.  I canceled her yesterday so I could sleep.  She is always accommodating.  While Tamie is cleaning we will go and buy all the goodies we need for tomorrow.  It is just going to be finger foods and we are going to set up the chocolate fountain.  We are singing at 4 pm Mass and then we are coming home for some southwest chicken burritos and one of Frank's famous margaritas.  Hopefully, I will stay up past 9 pm tonight LOL.


  1. How often do you have Tamie come clean? That is what I need to do..hire someone to help me clean

    1. Tamie comes each week. She cleans the main floor every week and alternates between the upstairs and the basement every other week. I used to feel guilty that I was home all day but still had someone come in to clean...but like you, I am not really free to roam about the house and whenever I do try to do anything Mom follows me around trying to help. I LOVE having Tamie come.


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