
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Prepping for the Afterglow

Well, we went out and got all the goodies that we should need for tomorrow's Afterglow party for 200 people.  I took the easy way out and went to Gordon Food Service for many of the items. They make it very easy when you are preparing for a large crowd and their food is tasty.  It is not homemade, of course, but for something like this where I am just serving appetizers for a large crowd I don't think it makes that large of a difference.  I am more concerned with making it beautiful and appetizing looking and the difference in taste will, hopefully, go unnoticed.

So I sat down when I got home and created my list of what I will be serving and what I need to remember to take with me to the church activity center.  I will make a pretty menu to display for tomorrow and I will take plenty of photos of the actual event so you can see how I decided to display everything.  I hope it turns out as beautiful as I imagine it in my  mind right now.

We will be leaving soon to go sing at Mass and then we are coming home for dinner.  Our friend, Linda, is gone to Europe for a month so we are having Greg over for Margaritas, Guacamole and Burritos tonight.  See you later with some photos and recipes.


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