
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Seventh Day of Christmas, A New Years Eve Celebration

We started the morning with a French Toast Casserole at Spencer's request.  It is one of his favorites and mine too because I can throw it together the night before and just pop it in the oven in the morning.  It looks impressive and it tastes great.

I've made this for years and don't remember where I first got the recipe but I think it was from one of those small cooking magazines that you pick up at the checkout aisle in the grocery store.

I only had 4 eggs.  My hens have been generous, but between  the Eggs in Hashbrown Nests and the Scrambled Eggs and Bacon that Frank made to go with our Cinnamon Rolls yesterday, our egg supply was depleted.  I sent the kids out to the coop to look for more but no luck.  Then I remembered I still had some eggnog in the fridge so I added some of that.  It still turned out wonderful.
French Toast Casserole

1 loaf Cinnamon Raisin Bread
6 eggs
1 c. half and half
1 t. vanilla

Cut bread into 1" squares and place into a greased 13x9x2 baking dish.  Beat together eggs, cream and vanilla.  Pour over bread.  Cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator overnight.  In the morning remove from refrigerator and preheat oven to 375*.  Bake casserole for 30-45 minutes or until it is puffy and golden brown.  Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.  Serve with Maple Syrup.
**Note- This is also very good if you mix berries in with the bread when you are assembling it.  You can also add a streusel topping if you like.  Spence likes his plain so plain it was today.

I had to run into town to take and answer messages at the food pantry.  Afterwards, Jen and I hit some gift and antique stores and had some bonding time over lunch at the River Crab.

When we got home, Mom Klik, had been dropped off for the evening and Amy called to say she was on the way over.  We expect Linda and Greg to join us for dinner and games tonight.  Until then we are curled up watching "Polar Express".

I wish you and yours a very safe and Happy New Years Eve.


  1. I added that recipe to my recipe book. Will be great next time we have overnight guests! Happy New Year Wendy!


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