
Thursday, December 5, 2013

I am Overwhelmed by Love....

Last night our dear friends, John and Kirsten, stopped by and dropped off another Christmas gift to us.  You might recall that they have already taken us to see Alton Brown as a Christmas gift but if you mention that to them they pooh-pooh it.

Anyway, during the month of October I bit the bullet and decided to organize my basement storage room.  It was pretty bad but I stayed at it and in less than a month I was done.  We had tons and tons of stuff that we gave away and threw away.  One of the things we had was Frank's Mom's old cedar chest that she had from before she had gotten married.  It had been shoved down in our basement and it was in terrible shape.  We thought it was hopeless.

Isn't that a shame?!!
Frank asked John about it because John is very handy with woodworking.  He even restored an old Chris Craft boat to it's original wooden splendor.  It is beautiful  But, again, I digress.  Seems to happen a lot with me.  Anyway,  John asked if he could take it home and play with it and so, of course, we agreed.
Imagine our delight when he returned our cedar chest last night looking better than new.
Is that gorgeous or what!!!!
We know that it was a tremendous amount of work and a big time commitment.  That makes it even more special to us, because we are aware of the love that comes with it.  So far this has been a stupendous Christmas season.


  1. WOW!!!!!! That is sooooo Awesome!!! John and Kirsten never cease to amaze me of there love and generosity! :) That is beautiful!! Hey John, I have one too!! LOL

  2. Those are some very generous friend!

    1. Family doesn't always mean you share the same blood. John and Kirsten are the brother and sister of our hearts. We love them immensely. And they are very generous and very good and we are very lucky to have them.


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